Hello Everyone, 

I've tried installing bean count on a m1 macbook, and a m2 mac mini, and 
haven't had much luck.  The documentation seems pretty old, so I'm not sure 
what to try. 

I tried installing with 

sudo -H python3 -m pip install beancount  


sudo -H python3 -m pip install 

which didn't work both giving me the error message 
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3: No module 
named pip

I then tried 

sudo -H python3.9 -m pip install beancount  

which seemed to finsih without errors.  I'm even able to use bean-check.  
However, using bean-report --help or web-bean both give the follwoing

zsh: command not found: bean-report


zsh: command not found: web-bean

Googling either of those has no results. 

I also tried brew install beancount, even though that's not in the 
documentation, and nothing changed. 

Any suggestions?   I've been experimenting with ledger and like it, but 
would like the better features found in bean count.

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