On Fri, Oct 4, 2024, 15:13 Red S <redstre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A couple things to add:
>    - the goal of reds-importers is to simplify and fully automate your
>    ingest. It is definitely not wedded to, not does it prefer the ofx format
>    or any other format in particular. Quite the opposite: it make it easy to
>    use any file format, and add your own. csv (and tsv, xls) is well supported
>    because of its ubiquity, as are xml, json, and pdf
>    - if you’ve used IBKR, they’re awesome in allowing complete
>    customizability over the reports, including the file format. Here is
>    an example
> <https://github.com/redstreet/beancount_reds_importers/blob/0cef611c0d601e1861e86b7533787e309ad0f0d9/beancount_reds_importers/importers/ibkr/__init__.py#L1>
>    Beancount importer for it. And to boot, they let you download it via a REST
>    API
> <https://github.com/redstreet/beancount_reds_importers/blob/0cef611c0d601e1861e86b7533787e309ad0f0d9/beancount_reds_importers/importers/ibkr/flexquery_download.py#L11>.
>    Well documented, and very straightforward to setup. I can only hope other
>    institutions follow suit
Don't hold your breath

> ​
> On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 4:32:09 PM UTC-7 Red S wrote:
> Anectodally speaking, here’re some banks that I know of that support it as
> of today:
>    - alliant
>    - ally
>    - becu
>    - capitalonebank
>    - chase
>    - citi (direct download supported)
>    - etrade (direct download supported)
>    - fidelity (direct download supported)
>    - morganstanley (direct download supported)
>    - target
>    - techcubank
>    - vanguard
> And again, anecdotally, here are the banks that removed support for it in
> the last couple years:
>    - amex
>    - discover
>    - schwab
> Ofx was introduced in 1997. In the tech world, that is old. It will
> eventually go away. But nobody knows when the remaining institutions will
> remove support for it.
> So how should one approach ofx when writing importers? Here’s my two cents:
> 1) For me, the interesting question is not “should I invest time into
> setting up an ofx import” as much as it is “how can I setup my import
> system for adaptability so swapping out a file format for another is easy?”
>    - Consider also that the download method and the file format are only,
>    say, 20% of your import system with respect to setup effort and complexity
> 2) Consider your alternatives. Here’s an example of development times
> (this is unscientific, and the relative times are more important than the
> absolute numbers):
>    - ofx: 5mins
>    - csv: 1-2 hours
>    -
>    some_other_format (json, xml): 2-4+ hours
>    In addition, Non-ofx formats unfortunately have a lot of
>    downsides
> <https://reds-rants.netlify.app/personal-finance/a-word-about-input-formats-use-ofx-when-you-can/>
>    .
> 3) Don’t confuse direct downloads with ofx. Some banks have pulled support
> for direct downloads, but continue to support ofx if you download them
> manually from their website. An example is Chase.
> Summary: setup ofx today when you can. There’s no downside to doing so
> IMHO as it’s low effort. Focus on building a robust ingest system where
> changing file formats is an easy, small part.
> And finally, what does the future hold?
>    - Europe is ahead of the US/North America: finance.ec.europa.eu
> <https://finance.ec.europa.eu/digital-finance/framework-financial-data-access_en>
>    - The US is doing something about it as well. See federalregister.gov
> <https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/10/31/2023-23576/required-rulemaking-on-personal-financial-data-rights>,
>    though so far, despite mentioning “consumer access” here and there. it
>    seems to be somewhat focused on “third party access.”
> ​
> On Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 2:40:41 PM UTC-7 chri...@gmail.com
> wrote:
> I've been using beancount for about 2 years now, and in the last month
> I've started looking more closely at the External Contributions
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z37bQ45wDtjTPaMQ_x-f33p1trH9fNosEAUgbQXwp30/edit#heading=h.rs27hvxo0wyl>.
> I decided to try reds-importers, and pretty quickly discovered a few things:
>    1. ofxhome.com is gone.
>    2. ofx.chase.com doesn't work anymore ("Name or service not known")
>    3. FDX is a new thing, and does not appear to be friendly to
>    open-source accounting tools like beancount.
> For those that have used OFX for a long time - is it slowly going away?
> Are there alternatives that facilitate automatic downloads?
> --
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