Some kind soul uploaded a high-quality copy of the colourised,
newly re-edited and condensed, 2nd Doctor serial The War Games to the
streaming site Dailymotion:

To make a local copy (just over 3Gb), use handy open-source tool yt-dlp, 
usable for that purpose on many sites
( [1] 

Yochanan and I viewed that production last night, and think rather
highly of it, a certain controversial retcon notwithstanding.  The
colourising is tasteful (though I have reservations about the ending
title credits), the pacing is good, acting fine, and it definitely
doesn't look as threadbare as much of OldWho, no doubt in part because
of the colourising.

[1] For Macintoy users, the better-long-term way of installing it is
using Homebrew
But you _can_ just download and use it directly, as is also the case on
other OSes.

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