[oops, forgot to post last week]

Meeting #1779 - Monday, 14 October, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

In-person at Parktown Pizza 3031 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

And online via Zoom: 

Called to order at 20:00

Total of 6/5 in attendance 

The minutes of meeting 1778 were posted online, and were accepted as  How Retro.


Regular: $15,805.32
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com
Though we did accrue $107.85 since the resumption of live meetings.

Vice President
Nothing fannish to report.

Not present.



New Business:



Carrie Fisher’s birthday.

Lower Decks V streams 10/24 on Paramount+
Section 31 (movie) 1/24 on Paramount+

Gerry and Gayle just landed at SJC, and hope to be here (hey, they’re here!)

This Friday is the 4th Friday of the month, and time once again for the monthly 
meeting of the Legion of Rassilon – your Doctor Who fan club. This month we 
will be watching the 5th Doctor story Snakedance (in HD with updated effects). 
Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., but arrive early for pre-show material, food, and 
general chit-chat. The meeting is at the Milpitas Denny’s, on Abbot Ave, off 
Calaveras Blvd near 880. lor.club 


Amazon Prime , on a service called Bix. Y llegaron de noche, a drama about the 
making of the Spanish language Dracula. 

Just got  back from OryCon. Gave a presentation, and sold four books. Put on a 
a version of Contact (and a long running academic tract, with an alien meeting 
simulation). Rest of the con went swimmingly. Doubletree was better than he 
remembered (though meal service on the weekend needs work).
Gayle: Excellent panels, knowledgeable people. A lot more meetings she wished 
she’d gone to. Very well done.
Lisa: Some of her friends found out they were on panels when the program was 
published – and they hadn’t even bought memberships! (naturally, they didn’t 
show up).

He and Gayle watched a reshowing of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Liked it, 
generally pretty good. Seems different from the what they remember in the 
Gayle: Was confused by it. Some of it seemed familiar.

The Ark (Peacock) Space show. About 100 years in the future. Atmosphere is a 
mess, so we sent out an ark into space. Dean Devilyn production (50% RT score). 
Liked it. 2 season of 12 episodes. Recent series, with an old feeling. Only 
junior officers survived, so a young group of command personnel. Silly, doesn’t 
take itself seriously, but great character development. May or may not have a 
third season.

Super-man: The Christopher Reeve Story. Wonderful documentary. Heartfelt, 
wonderful portrait of a super man. Worth full price.

Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival. Lots and lots of fun. It was last weekend. You 
get to see the large pumpkin winner, along will pumpkin food items. Recommends 
if you can go next year (worth the traffic and parking).
Lisa: Her daughter goes every year, and loves it (they live in the area). 
Warning, you might want to go up on Friday, and leave on Monday.

Agatha All Along (D+) Ensemble cast series. 9 episodes? Up to the sixth. 
Exceptional witting and cast. 

Rumor of the Week:  

Blue light special on pumpkins in Half Moon Bay.

Adjourned at: 20:??

There was an auction.

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