----- Forwarded message from Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> -----

Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 17:58:09 -0700
From: Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com>
To: consp...@linuxmafia.com
Subject: CABAL (in-person + Jitsi Meet), Sat., Oct. 5th (note date!)
Organization: If you lived here, you'd be $HOME already.

This month, we'll hold CABAL two days from now on the _first_ Saturday
(this Saturday, the 5th), and _not_ on the subsequent 2nd Saturday, the

Will it be too hot?  Happily, no!

National Weather service says the current heat wave is breaking (ta-da!)
on Saturday afternoon.  The current forecast (mid-afternoon) max.
temperature is  36°C (97°F) with a light breeze, at the closest
reporting station, Palo Alto Airport.  Predicted low for Saturday night
is 17°C (66°F), light and variable wind.  

Thing is, it's usually way cooler at Chez Moen than most of the
surrounding areas.  NWS says it's 88°F at Palo Alto Airport at the
moment, but it's a lovely 76°F on my back porch thermometer.  So, 
I expect the same for 4pm and later on Saturday.

What's for dinner?  For starters, I'm making this spectacular and
delicious baked chicken dish (2nd time cooked, first for CABAL):

That'll be with rice, a fresh salad, homemade garlic bread, and quite
probably a fresh apple pie.

See you there.

Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2024, 4pm - 12am PDT (UTC -7)

Rick & Deirdre's house
1105 Altschul Ave. @ Gordon Ave.
W. Menlo Park
(lost?  call me: 650-283-7902)

_or_ attend online, via Jitsi Meet:  
To attend remotely, you'll need:

o  Computer w/Web browser.  

   mic w/ speakers/headphones.  Headphones/earbuds
   are recommended because they avert audio feedback loops.

o  or a specialised Jitsi Meet client program:

   o Jitsi Meet Client (28MB APK) for Android 5.0+, via F-Droid:

   o Jitsi Meet Client for Android, via Google Play Store

   o Jitsi Meet Client for iOS, via Apple iTunes Store
   o Jitsi Meet Electron desktop client (86MB binary: Linux x86_64, MacOS,
     MS-Windows), https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron/releases
     (Recommendation for headphones/earbuds still applies.)

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