There will be a CONTACT track at Orycon.  Contact Johanna Silverthorne if you want to present.

Gerald D. Nordley 

    On Monday, July 8, 2024 at 09:34:41 PM PDT, melchar via Basfa 
<> wrote:   

 Minutes of Meeting #1764
Monday, July 8, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
meeting held online AND meeting live at Parktown Pizza [at Meridian & Hillsdale 
in SJ]

***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link: 

Called to order at 8 pm
13live/9online beings attended the meeting

The minutes of meeting 1763 were accepted as 'con-fried'

proxy treasurer report is we have money:  Regular: $15,805.32;    Party: $230.58
[& +$38.10 more over the live meetings, up thru 1763]
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report - and we said 'hi' to 2 new people 
visiting BASFA.  They were Rani Menon, with long-time interests in science 
fiction & her husband, Keith Amidon


Lisa announced that BayCon 2025 will be combined with Westercon 77 & for more 
info check

Yochanan announced that there will be an 'An Evening with Legends, Fly me to 
the Moon' event at the San Diego Air & Space Museum on July 20
for more info check =

Gerry announced that at OryCon 44 this fall may have 'Contact'-based panel or 
panels that may theoretically be accepting papers as a part of it
for Orycon 44 see =

Kennita announced that will be in charge of BayCon now & their 
501c3 launched & is now official
see =
and see also =


Rick reviewed 'Star Trek Prodigy, season 2' - which was rescued by Netflix.  He 
has thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end & highly recommends it.  There 
was discussion thereafter, all favorable, towards the show
see =

Yochanan reviewed 'A Quiet Place, Day One', a movie in theaters now.  He liked, 
but did not love, the movie.  It has some great jump scares & thinks it is 
worth at least matinee.  Cliff had a question & as far as Yochanan recalls 
there were no kids killed on-screen
see =
         and Yochanan reviewed 'Dr Who, Terrible Lizard' as it reads as if 
written for young adults & that 'if you're a kid, I guess it's written pretty 
see =

Craig reviewed BayCon as he had fun, with some caveats about how BayCon is 
reinventing itself.  He found the hotel to be worse to navigate in than the 
Escher Marriott.  He recommends getting a membership for next year now.
     There were many follow-ons - much agreement about the difficult hotel 
lay-out & maps.
         Hits from that included:  Rick had fun; Lisa had a great time & loved 
the panels & Dealers room & 'wore her feet out' - plus commented that Larry 
Niven attended the con just for funzies; Yochanan had an amazing time, ended up 
as a surprise panel moderator & really enjoyed the parties; Kennita had a great 
time, liked the at-con signage, enjoyed the panels & wished there had been more 
parties [thinks there were 759 attendees]; Gayle liked the xeno-biology panel 
most; Gerry found both con-staff & hotel staff to be extremely helpful & he 
appreciated this; Cliff had a fabulous time at BayCon & also was a program 
participant & had such a great time; Keith enjoyed the panels & really loved 
Bonnie Gordon's concert; Carol had a wonderful time as well.

and the rumor of the week was = 'Punning is a great deal because it hasn't kept 
up with inflation & is still only 25 cents'

we adjourned at = 9:14pm

there were no auctions

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