Minutes of Meeting #1760
Monday, June 10, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
meeting held online AND meeting live at Parktown Pizza [at Meridian &
Hillsdale in SJ]

***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 7:58 pm
7live/8online beings attended the meeting

The minutes of meeting 1759 were accepted as 'no winged monkeys'

proxy treasurer report is we have money:  Regular: $15,805.32;    Party:
[& +$37.10 more over the live meetings, up thru 1759]
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President reported that an East Coast person named Christina Stark,
contacted him because her departed father, 1964 & 1968 past WorldCon
Chairman, J Ben Stark - had a storage unit full of old sci fi books &
magazines.  She would appreciate contact information for someone who can
help her evaluate the books, especially since many of them are old, may be
out of print &/or are first editions.  Anyone able to help should contact
the club president.
         for WorldCon info - see =


Lisa announced that Mary Anne Harris, wife of Charles DeLint had died &
also that William Russell Enoch also died at age 99;
         & she announced that Dick Van Dyke made history by winning an Emmy
at age 98
among other reports [inset picture - he looks amazing!], see =
         & she announced that Star Trek was given the Institutional Award
at the 84th annual Peabody Awards in Athens, Georgia back on May 9th
see =

Yochanan announced that 'Alls Well that Ends Well' will be performed by
Silicon Valley Shakespeare at 'Free Shakespeare in the Park' at Willow
Street Frank Bramhall Park.  They will be holding performances thru June
23.  For details check:  https://www.svshakespeare.org/
In addition to that, they plan to do 2 paid productions later in the summer
- 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' on July 26–August 30, 2024; and then 'The
Comedy of Errors' on August 2–September 1, 2024
         & he announced that 'Sweet Tooth' is currently airing season 3,
its final season, on Netflix.  See =

Rick announced that 'The Acolyte' is a new Star Wars series airing on
Disney.  He has only seen one episode thus far, but opines that it sounds
like a police proceedural with lightsabers
see = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Acolyte_(TV_series)

Also - Gerry sent his regards from the Denver Airport.  Due to flight
delays, he & Gayle are not able to join the meeting this evening.  'Have a
great meeting. —GERRY&GAYLE'


Rick reviewed 'Scavengers Reign', as an animated show with a very 1960's
feel.  He saw it on Max, says it is available through Netflix & hopes they
fund a 2nd season.  He rates it as worth full price to view & stated that
the title needs punctuation ... somewhere.
see = https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21056886/

Lisa reviewed being almost caught up with Dr Who & rates the first 5
episodes as 'Wow!'.  The show is very interesting and she enjoys what she
has seen very much.  She looks forward to seeing the rest of the season.
Bruce followed, saying he has seen all the episodes so far & finds
everything about the show amazing.

Yochanan reviewed a Netflix show, 'Rebel Moon', both parts 1 & 2, as the
visuals were amazing.  He enjoyed the action & character development.  He
recommends both parts 1 & 2 highly & considers them to be epics.  He would
have loved to have seen this in the theater on a big screen
see = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_Moon
         and Yochanan reviewed 'Alls Well that Ends Well' at the 'Free
Shakespeare in the Park' by  Silicon Valley Shakespeare as the production
was well-acted & had a cute introduction to the play.  He highly [highly,
highly, highly, highly] recommends them & considers live theater very worth
refer to:  https://www.svshakespeare.org/
         and Yochanan reviewed a Connie Willis book, 'The Road to Roswell'
as a zany romantic road trip story.  He highly recommends it.  Robin
followed, saying that the author uses some of her real world irritations to
help fuel her writing, and in this case some of this ire was directed at
conspiracy theorists.  She very much enjoyed the book.

and the rumor of the week was = 'We must make big mistakes so that we can
learn from them & make even bigger ones in the future'

we adjourned at = 8:28pm

there were no auctions

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