Greetings from Denver Airport.  Due to flight delays, we won’t be able to join 
you this evening.  Have a great meeting. —GERRY&GAYLE

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 3, 2024, at 23:56, melchar via Basfa <> wrote:
> Minutes of Meeting #1759
> Monday, June 3, 2024
> Trey Haddad, President
> Ken Patterson, Vice President
> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
> Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
> meeting held online AND meeting live at Parktown Pizza [at Meridian & 
> Hillsdale in SJ]
> ***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:
> Called to order at 7:58 pm
> 7live/9online beings attended the meeting
> The minutes of meeting 1758 were accepted as 'already sentenced'
> proxy treasurer report is we have money:  Regular: $15,805.32;    Party: 
> $230.58
> [& +$54.85 more over the live meetings, up thru 1758]
> Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =
> the VP had nothing fannish to report
> the President had nothing fannish to report
> Comment that since the food was gone, it must have been good
> Yochanan announced that 'Star Trek Prodigy' is coming to Netflix for season 
> 2, despite Paramount dropping the show
> Robin announced that Blind Lemming Chiffon has set up a GoFundMe.  See his 
> Facebook 'Festival of the Living Room' page for more details
> Geri announced that 'Godzilla Minus One' has now dropped onto Netflix
> see =
> Reviews:
> Yochanan reviewed the movie, 'Furiosa', [a prequel to 'Fury Road'] as a good 
> but not a great movie, with some poorly-staged action scenes & worth matinee. 
>  'It was definitely a Mad Max movie.'  There was extensive CGI used to make 
> the actress look more like the 'Fury Road' actress.
> see =
>          and Yochanan reviewed 'IF' as a pretty silly movie with 'meh' CGI & 
> he can't recommend it.  He comments that it did not even entertain his 
> sister's kids & says it's an 'okay movie to see if you can't do anything else'
> see =
>          and Yochanan reviewed 'Rim of the World', seen on Netflix, as a 
> forgettable bit of fluff, but enjoyable.  'It was a movie'.
> see =
> Lisa reviewed going to Camera 3 to see 'Woman in Motion'.  She felt it was a 
> wonderful documentary, covering all of Nichelle Nichols' life.  She highly 
> recommends the movie & says it can be found streaming, now, but she loved 
> seeing it on the big screen.
> see =
> Craig reviewed 'Dead Boy Detectives' on Netflix - a 'Sandman' spinoff by Neil 
> Gaiman - & recommends it.  There is only one season so far, but he found it 
> immensely entertaining.  Ben followed and also enjoyed the show.
> see =
> Kennita reviewed 'Kinky Boots, the Musical' as an excellent performance & a 
> good musical.  She recommends it.  Geri followed, showing a kinky purse.
> see =
> Ben reviewed a book, 'The Warm Hands of Ghosts' by Katherine Arden as an 
> enjoyable read.
> see =
>          and Ben reviewed 'Termush' by Sven Holm as very short novel first 
> printed more than 50 years ago, but packed with ideas.  He enjoyed it very 
> much.  The printing he read was a more modern edition & had an introduction 
> by Jeff VanderMeer that says the book is still shockingly relevant to today's 
> society.
> see =
> Rick reviewed 'ST Discovery' 5th season as now concluded.  He says the last 
> few seasons have been a mess of writers fighting with each other & rates it 
> as 'time spent, but not well spent'.  He says the scripts were written by 
> committee and no episode really stood out.  Yochanan followed that he agrees 
> with 99% of what Rick said.  He says the show wasn't very good & 'so NOT an 
> ensemble cast', but is still glad it exists.
> see =
> Ken reviewed this last week's Dr Who episode as great.  It has a disturbing 
> ending & is another good episode.  Rick followed on 'trying not to spoil 
> anything', saying he enjoyed the episode, as it was extremely well done & 
> effective.  He admired the episode's craftsmanship.  Trey made a suggestion 
> that Medjed from Egyptian mythology would make a great Dr Who depiction of a 
> Dalek - as interpreted by ancient peoples
> and the rumor of the week was = 'Oz is quieter without the winged monkeys
> we adjourned at = 8:51pm
> there were no auctions
> -- 
> *******************
> She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?'
> *******************
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