Meeting #1757 - Monday, 20 May, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

In-person at Parktown Pizza 3031 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

And online via Zoom: 

Called to order at 20:02

Total of 14 (live) + 1 (memorex) in attendance 

The minutes of meeting 1756 were posted online, and were accepted as hail, 
hail, the gang’s all here


Regular: $15,805.32
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =
Though we did accrue $26.25 since the resumption of live meetings.

Vice President
Nothing Fannish. 

Not present.


New Business:



Fanime is coming up Memorial Day weekend, memberships are still available. One 
of the biggest anime cons. SJ Convention center. 

A local con changed their masking policy, and they won’t refund anyone that 
disagrees with the change.

This Friday is the fourth Friday, and time once again for the monthly meeting 
of The Legion of Rassilon – your Doctor Who fan club. This month we start off 
with the first two episodes of the new season: the adorable Space Babies and 
the tuneful Devil’s Chord. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., at the Denny’s in 
Milpitas, on Abbott Avenue off Calaveras Boulevard near I-880. Be there or be a 
Dalek. <> 


Doctor Who: Boom! Redeems faith in the current team. Written by Steven Moffatt. 
Well acted. Practically a “bottle” episode. It is the best.
Yochanan: Ditto.
Adrienne: Loved it! Was excited when she heard Moffatt was back.

Renegade Nell (D+) Interesting. Early 18th century England. Widow of sea 
captain foils a highway robbery. Fun show. Soft-core historical fantasy.
Mo: Fun to watch. Villain is villainous and disgusting. Lots of fantasy 

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (in cinemas) 2.5 hours long, drags a bit in 
the middle. appx 300 years after the last movie. good world-building.  good but 
not great. First of a new trilogy. 

Resident Alien (now seen two seasons) It’s so much better than it has any right 
to be! Comedy that isn’t just a comedy. Everyone does such an outstanding job.
Rick: Also addicted to it. Barney Miller was the last sitcom he ever really 
watched. But thinks this is great!
Mo: Alan Tudyk is great.

Dead Boy Detective Agency (Netflix) Two ghosts who are detectives who help 
souls to move on. Delightful. Tongue-and-cheek
School Spirits (Netflix) HS ghosts. Good actors, not a 90210 cast.

Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees, 1926, amazing fantasy. Predictive of ‘70s 
hallucenagenic. Give it a shot if you like fantasy. 
Lisa: Also recommends, and well liked in the Mythopedic Society. Still holds up 

The Fall Guy (in cinemas) Action adventure mixed with cult of competence. Lots 
of fun (a couple plot holes). Some rom-com elements. Recommends.

Rumor of the Week:  

Be careful, the mummy might be real.

There was an auction

Adjourned at: 20:57
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