Minutes of Meeting #1729
Monday, November 6, 2023

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8pm
19 varied beings attended

The minutes of meeting 1728 were accepted as 'by solar time, sixty later
than last week'

proxy treasurer report is we have money:  Regular: $15,805.32;    Party:
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report


Gayle announced that they are off to OryCon in Portland come Thursday & may
still be there next Monday

Lisa announced that LosCon will be held at the LA Marriott during the
Thanksgiving weekend & recommends attending it, if you can
check https://loscon.org/49/

Ken announced that the new Dr Who episodes will premiere during LosCon

Aatheus announced that the next BASFA room parties will be held on Friday &
Saturday nights during Further Confusion


Ken reviewed a musical version of 'Wizard of Oz', based on the 1939 movie,
presented by the exceptional Palo Alto Players, with excellent costuming.
Especial mention was made of the Scarecrow's player, who is deaf & whose
lines were said by a crow & the player was wonderfully bendy.  He
considered the production to be amazing & recommends it, as it should be
running through November 19
check = https://paplayers.org/event/wizard-of-oz/
          and Ken reviewed another musical, 'Dicks, the Musical', as having
pretty good acting, the songs are kind of basic, but it was fun to watch
more info at = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dicks:_The_Musical

Sandra reviewed a Netflix movie, 'The Gray Man' as she saw & enjoyed it.
It is recommended
info = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gray_Man_(2022_film)

Robin reviewed 'Star Trek Continues' on Youtube, fan-made & she was very
impressed by it.  The sets are spot on & the actors do excellent work & she
highly recommends seeing it.  Yochanan also recommends seeing it
check = https://www.startrekcontinues.com/

Lisa reviewed having seen all of this season's 'Star Trek, Lower Decks' &
has enjoyed the heck out of it, getting progressively less silly as the
season progressed.  She recommend it, saying it does have language &
violence content.  There was a bit of discussion & favorite moments from
the show mentioned.
info at = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Lower_Decks

Yochanan reviewed a movie, 'Five Nights at Freddies', seen at matinee
prices & notes it was a thriller, rated 'R' and thinks it was more of a
'PG-13' movie.  He liked it as a Halloween movie & it has some good
moments.  Ken followed, mentioning a bit of movie trivia about the movie's
long road to getting made.  Patty saw the movie, has played the video game
& enjoyed both, considering the movie to be 'spooky-ish'.

John O reviewed seeing 'Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets' as 2
hours & 20 minutes of his life he will never get back & not worth seeing,
even for free.  There were various comments and both the secretary &
Yochanan agree that the first 10 minutes of the movie is amazing.
info =

Aatheus reviewed a podcast, '372 pages we'll never get back', reviewing
books that the podcasters did not expect much from, done 'Rifftrax style' &
worth a listen
check = https://372pages.com/
        and he reviewed the BASFA party held at PawCon as he hosted BASFA
parties there on Friday & Saturday that were wildly successful.  He will
need to re-order new BASFA party ribbons now & a good time was had by all

we adjourned at 8:55 pm

and the rumor of the week was = 'Some movies are best left as a trailer'

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