Meeting #1686 - Monday, 26 December, 2022

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 20:00

Total of 11 log-ins 

The minutes of meeting 1685 were posted online, and were accepted as: Slightly 
soggy, but meeting the boxing day deadline.


Regular: $15,805.32; 
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =

Vice President
Welcomed Chris Hall from an undisclosed location in the Berkeley Hills. Other 
than that, nothing Fannish to report. 

Not present.


Relocation Committee reminds member to checkout restaurants for meeting rooms 
when they go out.

New Business:
No new business.


Stephen Grief, the first Travis from Blake’s 7, passed away on December 23.


Saw Avatar - The Way of Water on Tuesday (plain 3-D) Really liked it. Lives up 
to the first one. Acting top notch, effects beautiful. Environmental message. 
Story was a touch repetitious (3.5 hour run time!) 
Kenita: Thought is was very good. Mercado20 had issues with the 2-d portions. 
Gerald: Sigourney Weaver did her own underwater stunts (and played her own 
Robin:  She is 73!

Wednesday (Netflix) set in a school for “outcasts”. A bit of a murder mystery. 
Got a bit Scooby-doo-ish. Jenna Ortega is outstanding as Wednesday Addams. Cast 
does a great job. Really liked it. 2 thumbs up. Thing is a big part.
Robin: They mystery was well placed with clues. Wednesday’s version of Paint It 
Black is exquisite (you can find it on YouTube)
Chris: Enthusiastically endorsing as well. Also has a great dance scene (also 
on YouTube). Stood up with with original ‘60s and the movies.

Rumor of the Week:  
Wednesday's child is full of woe...and we love it! 

Adjourned at: 20:34
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