Minutes of Meeting #1685 Monday, December 19, 2022 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held online, in exile
***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckc--rqj4sG9cRuFWIpeMknSsAxghBFh0T Called to order at 8 pm 14 varied beings attended The minutes of meeting 1684 were accepted as 'unseen by the secretary' the Treasurer reported that we have money: Regular: $15,805.32; Party: $230.58 Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com the VP had nothing fannish to report, as is custom the President had nothing fannish to report ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ken announced that this Friday is the 4th Friday of the month, so there will be a Legion of Rassilon Friday, December 23 7:30 p.m. Dennys in Milpitas (333 S. Abbot Ave) near Calaveras and 880. This month we’ll finish up The Abominable Snowmen, with Patrick Troughton, and follow up with the Matt Smith story The Snowmen. There will also be a gift exchange raffle (bring a wrapped gift, get a ticket). lor.club - for more info check their Facebook page Yochanan announced that this is the 2nd night of Hanukkah Duncan announced that Longnow Video is currently live-streaming at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwJHvTjCFcA & this involves wonderful old videos of our common history REVIEWS: Yochanan reviewed 'Tales of the Jedi', 6 different animated shorts, seen on Disney Plus. He had different reactions to each of them & recommends them for any Star Wars fan, but thinks they would be lost on other folk & he reviewed 'Key out of Time' by Andre Norton as he enjoyed it a lot & Dave G followed, saying that he found the whole 'Time Traders' series to be very entertaining Dave G reviewed the SF Symphony of 'Handel's Messiah' as a very lovely experience, once he reached the venue & rated it as being worth full price Candy reviewed the SF Women's Choral Society as very good & found the 'Carol of the Bells' to have the most fascinating back-story Gayle reviewed the SF Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker & enjoyed it; for further information, check sfballet.org Trey reviewed the World Cup final game as a drama filled spectacle, heroics on both sides & definitely worth seeing, with many announcers saying it was the best of all times; Lisa agreed, saying +it was just an insane event Duncan reviewed a film called 'Crimes of the Future', science fiction mixed with body horror & an interesting take on ways the future will deal with pollution & he recommends it Gerry reviewed the Minnesota Vikings game of Saturday, when they set a record in the 2nd half for the greatest come-back in NFL history as he was quite impressed we adjourned at 8:33pm and the rumor of the week was = 'Imagine your phone is at 5% but lasts for 8 days! Now you can get an idea about Hanukkah' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
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