Minutes of Meeting #1682 Monday, November 28, 2022 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held online, in exile
***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckc--rqj4sG9cRuFWIpeMknSsAxghBFh0T Called to order at 8 pm 11 varied beings attended The minutes of meeting 1681 were accepted as 'Typographically unreliable' the Treasurer reported that we have money: Regular: $15,748.81; Party: $230.58 Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com the VP had nothing fannish to report the President had nothing fannish to report The Party Committee reported was that the BASFA party at PawCon went over really well & the next BASFA party will be at FurCon, on Jan 13-14 FurCon room party: Jan 13 and 14, 2023. SJ Marriott ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yochanan announced that Dec 3-4 is museum free day in San Francisco, with most museums in the city offering free days, this weekend only Ken announced that Lisa mentioned that the Westercon 75 [in Anaheim] membership rates will go up on Dec 1 Craig announced that the NASfic membership rates go up on Dec 5th REVIEWS: Yochanan reviewed 'Black Panther Forever' as a good movie, but not as good as the first. He says it is somber in parts & the movie duration is long. He reports that he felt a little disappointed by it, overall & says there is only 1 cookie at the end & he reviewed 'Andor', set in the SW universe, as the 12 episodes were really good & did some fantastic world-building, with great realism & it really drew him in. He highly recommends it - & Rick followed, absolutely agreeing & he reviewed 'A Christmas Story Story' as a really good movie and thinks they did a marvelous job. He recommends it Aatheus reviewed 'Burgerlounge' in Campbell as it serves grass-fed beef & you can really taste the difference. He very much enjoyed his meal https://www.burgerlounge.com/locations/campbellhttps://www.burgerlounge.com/locations/campbell https://www.burgerlounge.com/locations/campbell Gayle reviewed LosCon as the science content was excellent & the science presenters did a very good job; Gerry followed, saying that he enjoyed being on the James Webb telescope panel where everyone else knew more about the topic than he did - which is a very rare occurrence & they had a good time https://loscon.org/48/ Sandra mentioned that all of the Star Trek movies will be shown on HBO Max over the holidays we adjourned at 8:22pm and the rumor of the week was = 'Turkey comas are finally wearing off' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
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