Minutes of Meeting #1659
Monday, June 20, 2022

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

***NEW*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8 pm
15 varied beings attended

The minutes of meeting 1658 were accepted as 'waiting for Trey'

the proxy Treasurer report is that we have money:  Regular: $15,748.81;
 Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report except for having a bad

Committees=  Rinse & repeating from the Sports Committee:
    SJGiants Saturday, July 30 Marvel's Defenders of the Diamond Night
(evening game, 6pm) It’ll be the same Party Patio (along the first base
line), $70/person. Buffet meal, 2 drinks tickets, unlimited water soda and
snax. Send inquiries or PayPal to ba...@p4tt.com

The Relocation Committee reported that the Double D's sports bar in Los
Gatos [north Santa Cruz & highway 9] has a small back room & may be
investigated; check https://doubleds.com/


Yochanan announced that the Palo Alto players are performing 'Twelfth
Night' & announced that 'The Boys' is releasing season 3 on Amazon Prime &
announced that Silicon with Adam Savage is revealing their guests & is
being held on Aug 27-28 in the SJ convention center

Lisa announced that she was diagnosed with Covid & she announced that
Westercon 74 will be held on the July 4th weekend.  Howeird asked if there
will be online events - that she answered as there is a full track of
online meetings planned

Gerry announced that he found personal connection with two 'ST Voyager'
episodes, 'Conspiracy Theories' had a gravitational catapult like one his
friend Bob Forward invented in '86 and 'One Small Step' had a Rick
Sternbach digital art spaceship, a print of which Gerry has on his wall.

Ken announced that this Friday is the 4th Friday of the month, so there
will be a meeting of the Legion of Rasselon live in person at the Dennie's
on Bascom in Milpitas on Abbott Rd, near the 880 freeway, at 7:30pm - wear
a mask - for more info check their Facebook page; check legionofrassilon.org


Lisa reviewed the stage play of 'Man of La Mancha' at 3Below as very well
done & very well acted on that teeny tiny stage - highly recommended & they
are still showing it for another week

Rick reviewed 'For All Mankind' on Apple TV Plus as it has started season 2
& is done well.  It's interesting & he recommends it

Yochanan reviewed the Palo Alto players performance of 'Twelfth Night' as
very well done, well acted & worth full price; Ken followed that he agrees
with Yochanan & both recommend it;
   and Yochanan reviewed streaming 'ST = Strange New Worlds' & 'The
Orville' & 'The Boys' - as all 3 are great shows & he's glad he is able to
watch them

Howeird reviewed his trouble-shooting skills as experimental.  He tried to
hook up speakers & get them to work - eventually figuring out that his
audio cable was the problem

Gayle reviewed the ST Voyager episode, 'One Small Step' as a moving
episode; episode was summarized as they find a derelict 21st century
spacecraft in an anomaly.  7 of 9 learns respect for history in the process
of getting the pilot's data from the spacecraft

Craig reviewed 'The Boys' as 'just so bizarre' & ultra-violent but he likes

we adjourned at 8:48 pm

and the rumor of the week was = "Next weeks minutes WILL BE delivered by
Pony Express from Tonopah

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