Quoting Jon Del Arroz (jdelar...@gmail.com):

> In cheerful defiance of the corporate medical fascists, I will be having a
> caviar and champagne party for the unvaccinated at my house in Danville. 

Presumably only ones who can guess the relevant date/time, since you
didn't bother to state one.

However, I have the _very_ same question as before, Jon:  By what clever
strategem will you be verifying accursèd vaccinateds cannot crash said

In fact, do you need special "I'm not vaccinated" certificates?  If so,
in a helpful spirit of capitalism, I'm willing to sell you some.

Also, Chandon, seriously?  If I infiltrate your putative party, I'll
maybe sneak in some Philipponnat Clos des Goisses.  Or, to be properly
Hispanic, one of the champán-method "Cava" white sparkling wines from
Penedès Denominación de Origen Protegida.  http://www.dopenedes.es/ 
Or, let's face it, go with the _fun_ stuff, i.e., a Labrusco.  It's cheaper,
it's un-boring, and I happen to like the red stuff way better.

Cheers,                         Grammarian's bar joke #20:  The subjunctive 
Rick Moen                       would have walked into a bar, had it only known.
McQ! (4x80)
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