Minutes of Meeting #1627
Monday, November 8, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8 pm
18 various beings eventually attended

The minutes of meeting 1626 were accepted as 'successfully splashed down'

the Treasurer report is that he had a 2nd job interview today & the
treasury is status quo & we have money =
Regular: $15,737.77;    Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report


Howeird announced that he got his stitches out from his skin cancer surgery

Yochanan announced that Camille Saviola, an actress in Star Trek DS9, died
2 weeks ago & announced that Hanukkah comes early this year

Gerry announced that SpaceX had an entirely normal splash down landing
today & announced that he is going to OryCon this year & should have one a
new edition of one of his books available before con & announced that he
has had his 3rd shot


John O reviewed 'the Eternals' on the big screen & in 3D, as the 3D did
nothing in particular for the movie, the movie was entertaining with some
really slow parts & lots of talk-talk & that the story was all over the
place.  He recommends seeing it if you want information for Marvel's 'Phase
4' & said 'remember to stay for the cookies' & that it looked like the
actors enjoyed playing their roles, but don't spend extra to see it,
although it was worth normal full price.  Yochanan opined that yes, it was
long and was full of exposition & the other Marvel references seemed forced
& that it was a good but not a great movie and was very inclusive.

there was a loud, shouty section then

Lisa reviewed 'Dune' as she finally saw the movie and enjoyed it
immensely.  She thought it was a good adaptation & noted that the movie was

Howeird reviewed a technology event - trying out the new Las Vegas monorail
& reported there were several fails - that the cellphone pay system did not
work well & he found the monorail ride to be rather bumpy, though he
explained that he was spoiled by the smooth ride he has had on the Seattle
monorail.  In general he found the experience otherwise enjoyable

John O reported that 'Dune' was bumped from 1st place by 'Eternals', but it
was still close to the number one spot and is far out-pacing the other
movies that have came out in the past 2-3 weeks for box office earnings

Yochanan reviewed the 2nd season of Netflix's 'Locke & Key' as he really
enjoyed it and binge-watched the full season.  He considers it to be a
great series & then reviewed 'No Time to Die' as long & a really nice send
off for Daniel Craig & really liked it

Rick reviewed the 'Foundation' TV adaptation as having progressed from
being a train wreck to a multi-car train wreck

we adjourned at 8:38 pm

and the rumor of the week = 'The Marvel Universe is expanding faster than
the Milky Way'

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