Minutes of Meeting #1624
Monday, October 18, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 7:58 pm
15 various beings eventually attended

The minutes of meeting 1623 were accepted as 'chewed and spat out'

the Treasurer report is that the treasury is status quo & we have money =
Regular: $15,727.04;    Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

the Party Committee reported that there will be a BASFA room party at
PawCon at the Doubletree hotel, on the party floor - on the balcony Nov
5-6, Friday & Saturday, for more information check https://pacanthro.org/


Ken announced that this Friday is the 4th Friday of the month and time for
the Legion of Rasselon meeting, live and in-person at the Dennie's on
Bascom in Campbell, 7:30pm, for more info check their Facebook page

Gerry announced for Candy that she reports her husband, Ron, is fighting
off pneumonia in hospital and he is on four very aggressive antibiotics.
She is tired but okay for now.

Yochanan announced that Hallmark ornaments is producing its first official
Dr Who Christmas ornament


John O reviewed the Cybertronic Spree, who dress as Transformers, do music
from a variety of sources, are great fun & perform well and will be in San
Diego soon.  For more info check Youtube & he highly recommends them

Yochanan reviewed 'Y: the Last Man' on Hulu, as a very rambling show & he
wanted to like it 'so bad' but it's cancelled already & he cannot recommend

Lisa reviewed the Gilroy Renaissance Faire as she went on Saturday, the
cooler day. It was enjoyable, but they ran out of some food items.  She
happily spent a lot at various booths that had so many interesting crafts.
She recommends it & enjoyed herself; Craig asked how safe it was from a
masking standpoint & was answered that about 50% of attendees were not

Howeird reviewed the 1-weekend Las Vegas Renaissance Faire as it was held
in half of Sunset Park and packed with 'a gynormous number of people' so he
skipped Saturday & got there early on Sunday.  They had camels to ride.  He
took a lot of pictures and it was all very colorful, with most of the
visiting tourists dressed in pirate gear, or various fantasy togs.  There
were many vendors, not cheap, but not unreasonably priced & there were 3
different food courts, none of which ran out of food.  It got progressively
more crowded, before he left in the early afternoon.  The jousting was
sponsored by a horse rescue organization & horses used in the joust were
all rescues.  The joust was highly professional & very well done.  The
entire Faire was quite enjoyable & well worth his entry fee.  He only
regrets that he ran out of steam & could not see it all; check
and Howeird's Renn Faire photos are here:
       Plus Howeird reviewed a show on National Geographic Wild = 'Vets on
the Beach' about veterinarians as they are quite good-looking & do not back
off from showing delicate surgeries.  They do a very good job with the
show's production values & he finds it well worth the price to view.  Lisa
commented that she finds it an incredibly beautiful show to watch & it's on
extended basic cable in the South Bay

Valerie has read many, many books and says she is only reviewing the books
she really liked.  She reviewed Maria Tatar's 'Heroine with 1001 Faces' as
a pleasant read, that looks at archetypes from literature. She also
reviewed TJ Klune's 'Under the Whispering Door' as kind of like 'A
Christmas Carol' & deals with what happens to the ghost of a scumball after
his death and was fun.  She also reviewed Andy Weir's 'Project Hail Mary'
as quite engrossing, very long but she couldn't put the book down & highly
recommends it.  She also has been reading many recently written Star Trek
novels and says some have very good story arcs.

Gerry reviewed having seen a Star Trek Voyager episode recently [“Living
Witness” Season 4, Episode 3] that dealt with the holographic doctor & the
nature of reality as he found it still very timely and enjoyable.  Yochanan
followed, saying that now he wants to find that episode & that the plot
reminds him favorably of a 'Babylon 5' episode [Babylon 5 Episode, "The
Deconstruction of Falling Stars", the S04 finale],
And Gayle commented that she had not followed Star Trek Voyager before, so
that when she saw this episode it took her a while to realize that the
doctor was a hologram

we adjourned at 8:55 pm

and the rumor of the week = 'BASFA can handle digital minutes in one byte'

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