Minutes of Meeting #1617 Monday, August 30, 2021 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held online, in exile
ZOOM Meeting Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcuqorDMsHtTgbbD44ZgG2WzrVGkr6pnX Called to order at 8 pm 12 various beings eventually attended The minutes of meeting 1616 were accepted as 'disturbed' the Treasurer report is that the treasury is status quo & we have money = Regular: $15,727.04 (updated total 8/23!) Party: $230.58 Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com the VP had nothing fannish to report the President had a fannish thought The 'Getting back to Live Meetings & Relocation Committee' reported that there were test visits to Il Fornaio & Teskes Germania - both in downtown SJ, both rather expensive & one would require a move to Tuesday night meetings, since they are closed Mondays. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lisa announced that Elfquest has a Kickstarter for an audio movie - very much like a radio play, check elfquest.com/audio-movie/ Yochanan announced that Ed Asner died Howeird announced that the International Space Station got a delivery today that included ice cream for one astronaut's 50th birthday Craig announced that there is a free con this weekend, CokoCon, Sept 3-6; check http://www.cokocon.org/2021/index.html Fred announced that 7 Stars Bar is closing, check = https://www.facebook.com/7StarsBar REVIEWS: Lisa reviewed SiliCon from this last weekend, live, with Adam Savage & the programming kept changing without warning - except on their website during the con. It was mostly a media con & they had a good maker's / art show & required all rooms to be emptied after each panel & to line up again for the next panel in the room. She would go again. Gayle followed that Gerry was on a panel there & she attended several enjoyable panels & that she had a good time. Yochanan reviewed a book 'Ender in Exile' by Orson Scott Card as nothing much happens until halfway through the book, but that he enjoyed it a lot anyway & also reviewed the Legion of Rassilon's in-person meeting as wonderful & very much recommended Craig reviewed 'Van Helsing' because he was bored & the special effects were nice but the plot was a bit lacking & worth watching if you have nothing better to do Howeird reviewed a show on the Discovery Channel called 'Dino Hunters' that was interesting & a way to make ranching profitable by looking for fossils & being down-to-earth-cowboys & he recommends the show check https://www.discovery.com/shows/dino-hunters we adjourned at 8:34 pm and the rumor of the week = 'Smoke is now a season' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
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