Meeting #1603 - Monday, 24 May, 2021
Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
ZOOM Meeting Registration link:
Called to order at 20:06
Total of 12 log-ins
The minutes of meeting 1602 were accepted as: they’re there
Regular: $15,716.52
Party: $230.58
money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =
Vice President: Nothing Fannish to report.
President: Not present.
San Jose Giants Harry Potter Night, Saturday, July 31 (game starts at 6 p.m.)
This year we are on the Party Patio, along the first base line. Restrictions
have been lifted, which means we have up to 50 people. Cost is $70 per ticket.
Food will be a served buffet with a choice of three items (from Burgers, Hot
Dogs, Chicken Sandwiches, Tri-Tip or Pulled Pork) each attendee will need to
vote for which three would be their preference, and the top three will be
selected (if we need one or two veggie orders, we can probably do that on top
of the three, otherwise we can make one selection the veggie). Sides include
Potato Salad and Fruit Cups, plus unlimited soda and water. Each ticket-holder
will also get two drinks tickets, good for beer or wine.
Here are the current “Play It Safe” policies:
Contact Ken at <> (not
<>) to get your spot, vote for your food choices and to paypal
your payment.
No new business.
In honor of Lass Vegas entering high summer (high 90s) called in the mobile
groomer for his cat Spook to get a Lion Cut. She is Calico under the fur too!
Then the temps dropped 20º for the week, so she snuggled up with him at nights
– and she snores!
30th Annual SV Jewish Film Fest 5/19-6/2 all online. Films are about $10, and
can enjoy from home. <>
Balticon55 is this weekend <> - FREE!
SiliCon (formerly SVCC) in person the weekend of August 28 & 29, at the SJ
Convention Center. Shatner, Ferrigno, Boxlitner, Benedict and many others… <>
Took a long trip in the back seat of a rented Tesla Model X. Santa Cruz to
Anaheim to Long Beach (and boat to Catalina). Rode in a semi-submersible.
Catalina is pretty. Recommend. Would do it again.
Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K. on Hulu. Animated. Looks like stop-motion (may be CGI)
Whole series dropped on 5/21. Middling results. Second episode was better than
the first. Comedy. Not great, but if you have nothing else to do…
DaveC <> fairly informative list of cons that are
on, or cancelled. Only as accurate as people telling them they’re on. Useful.
Joys of eBay with “improved” system for resellers. Asks for a lot of extra
details, would be horrible if you have thousands of items.
Pacific Storm by Linda Nagata Starts off gangbusters, keeps a good pace. If
you’re familiar with Hawaii you might be able to follow more easily (he
followed along with google maps). Slowed and got bogged down at the end.
Disappointed with the ending. Kindle ~$7 worth full price. May read some of her
other books.
Gerald. Kind of realistic ending, moral ambiguity. He didn’t feel it slowed
down. Not an everything tied up in a neat bow.
Raya and the Last Dragon (Disney) Enjoyed it. Story is on rails. Characters are
engaging. Flows naturally from the set up. Well done. Recommend. Paid matinee.
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Highly recommend. Worth the full price (bought
Kindle, but will be getting HB). Very Hard SF. Classic character-has-no-memory
Attended another Festival of the Living Room. All day/night filking. Great way
to filk, and experience world-wide artists. Next in August (sometime) All info
on FaceBook
It’s complicated to upgrade the battery in iPhone. Find the longest how-to
video and follow it vey carefully. It’s working like a champ now. New battery
with kit was about $20.
Rumor of the Week:
TESLA X, look Ma, NO HANDholdS! 6/4
Adjourned at: 21:18
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