Minutes of Meeting #1597
Monday, April 12, 2021

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 7:59 pm
18 various beings eventually attended

The minutes of meeting 1596 were accepted as 'phasers on stun, really'

the Treasurer proxy reported that we have money =
regular total is now $15,706.05; the party jar total is $230.58
money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee reported that there should be a BASFA outing to the SJ
Giants Harry Potter night, July 31, with a maximum of 15 attendees, cost is
$70 each for the 1st base party patio & includes food & 2 drinks &
unlimited water; contact at = ba...@p4tt.me

Valerie announced that next weekend = April 24 is Penguicon.
https://2020.penguicon.org/  It's also repair day at Sunnyvale Library

Yochanan announced that 3Below is now open once again & is showing many of
the Oscar contenders; check https://3belowtheaters.com/

Howeird announced that this coming week is the Thai water festival of
Songkran, but it appears that it shan't be celebrated that much it appears

Yochanan reviewed 'Voyagers' as it was all right, not great & worth
matinee; he was a little disappointed because he paid full price = check
then Yochanan reviewed a Netflix series 'Dark' with 3 seasons so far, as
he's seen season one & it's a German production & it is very dark somewhat
science fictional.  He finds it interesting and likes it <<Trey said a
terrible 'suspenseful' pun - that had a lot of strong reactions in the
chat>> - Ric recommends all 3 seasons;
then Yochanan reviewed 'It', the new one and he loved part one & then saw
part 2 & thought it was horrible

Howeird reviewed a 4K dongle, the Tivo 4K, as is advertised as having many
of the functions as Tivo & he finds it a complete fail - having features
similar to Amazon Fire but without many of the functions it possesses &
does not recommend

John O reviewed an HBO Max series 'The Nevers' as a supers series set in
the Victorian age & looks gorgeous, is mostly written by Josh Whedon & he
was bounced off the set after episode 6 because he was his typical self &
he rates it as watch at your own risk; check =

Valerie reviewed 'The Nevers' as it's sort of Victorian X-men & thought it
not the most amazingly wonderful thing ever & she reviewed Juda (on Hulu)
as a 'Israeli Vampire Show' doing vampire stuff - with lots of vampire &
werewolf cliches and clever bits about how the Jews protect themselves from

Fred reviewed the SJ Art Museum - open on Fri, Sat & Sun as he recommends
visiting for its various exhibits & it's nice to be back; plus he reviewed
visiting 3Below as it has pandemic seating & recommends visiting there &
they will be expanding their schedule - check their website - & reviewed
seeing 'Ma Rainey's Black Bottom' at 3Below as he enjoyed it

Gayle reviewed the David Crowder Band 'Come thou fount of every blessing'
as she likes it & it has a deep throbbing base line; check

Dave C reviewed 'Kong vs Godzilla' as what he wanted & expected &
'commended the film makers for their high level of scientific rigor'  ^_^

we adjourned at 8:40 pm

and the rumor of the week = 'San Jose - They might be giants'

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