Sorry I didn't make it this week; I had another meeting.

regular total is $15,632.83; party total is $230.58

It hurts me to see that number stay the same from month to month. Note that even a savings account that paid one-tenth of one percent would net us $1.50/month (which to me is more than rounding error), and we can do much better.

I move we moved our money to Keypoint Credit Union and opened a JumpStart Savings account,  with the following interest rate schedule:
Tier                Rate    Percent Yield Range
     ---                 ----    -------------------
Up to $2,000            1.00%    1.00%
$2,001 to $5,000        0.50%    1% - 0.7%
$5,001 to $10,000       0.25%    0.7% - 0.48%
$10,001 to $50,000      0.25%    0.48% - 0.3%

At approx. 0.4 %, we would net over $5/month on the entire sum. Even we only moved $2000, the one percent yield on that would net us $1.67/month or $20/year - better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for money that would otherwise sit around doing nothing, and we'd have the rest to do with as we pleased  (like to invest in companies/sectors we considered socially/technically responsible/progressive.  If we really have nothing better to do with it and don't want to mess with it, just move it all and let it sit and accrue interest and don't worry about it.

FWIW, I have been a customer of Keypoint since long before it was Keypoint - back in 1981, when it was the AEA Credit Union - and they have always treated me right.  If you don't want to do the work of moving the funds, I'll do it.  I think it's important, so I'll fight for it.  If this is a matter that is to be handled other than at a regular BASFA meeting, and/or if there are any preparations I should make before decisions can be reached (like filling out non-profit papers or something), please let me know.

BTW:  IIUC, at last count a 1-year CD at Keypoint paid 0.5%, and a 2-year CD paid 0.75% - all of these are much more than rounding error.  It's worth moving it ASAP if you think it might go down further; a CD would lock it in for a while.


Live long and prosper - Kennita

On 10/15/20 9:42 AM, David Wallace via Basfa wrote:
Interest rates are ridiculously low right now, and are likely to stay that way for the near future, at least as long as the economy stays depressed due to Covid.  I'm the treasurer of my homeowner's association and have been working with a brokerage to get better interest rates for our reserve account, which is fairly substantial.  Best bank CD rates right now that I've found are around 0.1%-0.15% for the 9 month-1 year time frame.  So I suspect that any interest that BASFA is likely to get right now will basically amount to a rounding error.

Dave W.

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