A while back, Barbara Johnson-Haddad (melc...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Howeird announced that there is an excellent app out now from the EPA
> called 'air now' available from airnow.gov that shows your air quality
> level, Rick followed, saying there is another similar app at
> https://www.purpleair.com/map

FYI, I've collected a bunch of wildfire and air quality information /
wind patterns links, that I expect will be useful the _next_ time 
Surtr tries to engulf the earth in fire.


Cheers,                 "My hot flight attendant asked how I like my coffee.  
Rick Moen               And that's when she told me:  'That's cute, honey, but 
r...@linuxmafia.com     the coffee's free.  You don't have to pay for it, here."
McQ! (4x80)                                            (seen on Twitter)
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