Ever wanted to hang out with all the space pilots at Mos Eisley's cafe?
(Star Wars 1977) Unfortunately Tatooine is rather a long commute just
for a Happy Hour so we wisely located M Weisley’s in hyperspace where it
can easily be accessed instantly by Zoom. No matter where in the
universe you are located, you will not experience any lightspeed delays
in your communications.
*Join us this Friday, 9/11 at 6:30 pm PDT*
So now you can experience all the ambience of our seedy cantina crowded
with numerous alien races in our virtual meet up. All aliens and humans
are welcome at M Weisley’s.
Mix up your favorite beverage, gather up some munchies and join in our
out of this world Happy Hour
To attend as an alien visit Snap Camera https://snapcamera.snapchat.com/
and download their software. Choose from hundreds of available avatars
which will move and act with your movements in Zoom.
If you're creative, you can use their software to create your own avatar.
Or of course you could do it the old-fashioned way and actually put on a
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 836 2401 4828
Passcode: 276090
Live long and prosper - Kennita
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