Minutes of Meeting #1562
Monday, August 10, 2020

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

Called to order at 8:05 pm
18 various beings attended

The minutes of meeting 1561 were accepted as 'already viral & enough

the Treasurer was not present, but our totals are =
regular total is $15,632.83; party total is $230.58

the VP had nothing fannish to report but greeted Edward Pease, attending a
BASFA meeting for the 1st time

the President was not present

Lisa announced that there is a charity livestream going on called Sidequest
[already raised more than $43K] - put on by the Zeldathon folks, find it at
https://zeldathon.net/  & on Twitch = check supermcgamer

Howeird announced that Boskone's online sister con, reCONvene 2020, is
coming together and getting ready for its debut on Saturday, August 15,
2020. check = https://boskone.org/  - and he submitted several photographs
to their art page & he announced that Heidi, his new kitty, has been
adopted for a week now [awwww!]

Rick reviewed the German series 'Dark' & highly recommends it to those who
enjoy complex narratives

Fred reviewed 'Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia' by Samuel R.
Delany, a book from the 1970's & started slowly & deals with gender and
identity, likely ground-breaking for the time, but is still well-done

John O reviewed 'Treasure Planet' as from Disney's bad times and not that
bad as a duplicate of their own 'Treasure Island' & worth seeing; then
reviewed 'The Seeker, the Dark is Rising' as a fairly faithful rendering of
the book 'Dark is Rising' & definitely recommended - found on Amazon; then
reviewed Scalzi's final book of the Interdependency trilogy 'The Last
Emperox' as ending up the series well; then reviewed the Baycon minicon as
there were some good panels and advice there - and there were several
also check = https://baycon.org/baycon-charity-2020/

Gayle reviewed ConZealand panels on Youtube as enjoyable and warns that she
worries there may be a sunset time, after which the content may not be

Cliff reviewed Sarah Pinsker's 1st novel, 'A Song for a New Day' - about a
pandemic, which was sf when it was written - and everyone in his book group
agreed that it was very good & highly recommended

we adjourned at 8:47 pm

Rumor of the week was = 'Next Week on Cooking with Rick'

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