Minutes of Meeting #1551
Monday, May 25, 2020

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held online, in exile

Called to order at 8:04pm
15 undifferentiated creatures attended

The minutes of meeting 1550 were accepted as 'posted at warp speed'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in [$1.00 = pending] - 'for
BASFAns are an honorable lot'
Our regular total is $15,632.83; party total is $230.58

the VP had nothing fannish to report, but recommends everyone not panic

the President was not available

The Sports Committee reported that the SJ Giants have cancelled their
season & his deposit is being rolled over to next season & that John O's
deposit should have been refunded

Howeird announced that Chris Garcia is alive & well

Candy reviewed BaltiCon as the panels she audited were well done &
interesting, Dave G followed, saying that there were fan tables, he
attended one party & thought the registration they used worked, most
interactions were audio or text thru Discord, though the party was through
video conferencing - well worth full price [which was 0]

Fred reviewed part of the mini-convention BayCon put on and it was handled
well, as far as he saw & Lisa followed, saying she found BayCon fun &
interesting - with feedback done via chat, which was nice - and she really
enjoyed being involved in it; Howeird followed, commenting that he is
disappointed with Discord, in general, Kennita followed, saying she really
enjoyed Cory Doctorow's reading & they could have used better audio, but
that in general she was very happy to have had 'even a taste of what BayCon
is like' & John O asked if there were going to be recorded posts from
BayCon on YouTube - Lisa believes there will be

Gerald reviewed Virgin Orbit's launch today as the mission was terminated -
short but not very sweet & Gayle commented that she chooses not to watch
live launches or horse races

Dave W reviewed virtual Wiscon & BaltiCon as Wiscon was very good at
screening members, so that everyone would have a good time & he really
enjoyed bopping between each of the cons and attending different panels
there & a very different experience for him & interesting

Lisa reviewed doing virtual tours, today being Death Valley, being a lovely
way to visit different places = CSUN Outdoor Adventures

Howeird reviewed 'Going Postal' by Terry Pratchett as the director got very
good responses from the actors & worth paying for Amazon Prime, check

John O reviewed 'Annihilation' as it looked pretty but was slow &
predictable - don't bother, then reviewed 'The Light Brigade' by Kameron
Hurley as an out-of-cycle time sequencing novel as he doesn't like the
characters - Dave W commented that he did enjoy the book; then John O
reviewed 'Upload' on Amazon Prime as an interesting take on virtual worlds
- humor with a dark side - and he really hopes there's a 2nd season &
highly recommends it

Cliff reviewed virtual conventions - having attended 'Flight of Foundry' &
BaltiCon, enjoying the science & writing tracks - he found both cons to be
excellent & he reports that 'Amazing Stories' will do a virtual con in June
& reviewed the audio book for 'A Fire Upon the Deep' by Vinge as read
exceptionally well & interesting from a voice-acting point of view &

Gayle reviewed seeing 'Faust' by Gounod via the Met Opera as the singing
was amazing & she recommends the metopera.org

we adjourned at 9:05 pm

Rumor of the week was = 'This was all a simulation'
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