Minutes of Meeting #1484
Monday, January 21, 2019

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm
21 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1483 were accepted as 're-sequenced'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $5.25 in the regular jar &
$29.75 in the party jar

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President reported that last week someone [none of the officers] told
the Black Bear Diner folk that we would not hold a meeting on the 21st, so
they were surprised when we showed up - but they adapted magnificently - so
we would like to know who did this & why
      In addition to this, Debbie wanted to know how we would handle the
BASFA Hugo nomination nights this year - so Dave G said he will talk to
[tall] Kevin & that we will use the next three meetings - Jan 28, Feb 4 &
Feb 11 for nominations - so there will be no BASFA auctions those nights
      And we also said 'hi' to VJ - visiting us for the first time

The Sports Committee subset reported that the SJ Giants that there are 2
good BASFA outing dates - Star Wars night on May 4 - and Harry Potter night
on June 15 - from those present there was some interest in both - but much
more for Star Wars night

Dave C announced that he believes he had an apology for the club in that
the Disney sweaters were INDEED ugly sweaters

Ken announced that this Friday is the Legion of Rassilon meeting; 7:30 pm
at the Denny’s on Bascom in Campbell, near the Pruneyard on Bascom

Dave G announced that 'Legopolis' is opening in theaters & check Fathom
events for details

Valerie announced that she has 2 new guides out:  'The Marvelous
Metafiction: Investigating the Literary in Lemony Snicket’s Series of
Unfortunate Events' & 'The Secrets Solved: Unraveling the Mysteries of
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events' - available on Amazon &

Fred announced that this Friday, Jan 25 there will be a grand reopening of
public domain at the Internet Archives in SF [300 Funston Ave], 1pm till
7:30pm & demos starting at 10am

JC announced that Baycon 2019 is coming & he will be the Toastmaster & MC
the Masquerade Variety Show- held at the San Mateo Marriot over Memorial
Day weekend & the first staff meeting is thus Sunday

Randy reviewed 'Paradise Square' in Berkeley as a marvelous musical

Gayle reviewed the Met Opera, Live in HD at the Century 20, Oakridge mall
as the music was excellent, but there were some technical difficulties

Lisa reviewed FurCon as it was the usual silly stuff & she enjoyed the
mostly science panels she attended - but was concerned at the lack of any
kind of books or fursuits available in the Dealers Room - but other than
that, she had fun

Ric reviewed the 1st episode of this season of 'Star Trek Discovery' as
exciting, he likes the updated costumes, thought the special fx were
excellent, as was the writing & enjoyed it highly

Fred reviewed a short story - Rebecca Gomez Farrell's 'Mixed Signals on
Learning How to Speak' as well-written, he enjoyed it & recommends it

we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:10

Rumor of the week was 'the rumors of out absense were greatly exaggerated'

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