Minutes of Meeting #1444
Monday, April 2, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Called to order at 8 pm, with a different room view
26 people attended

we established a party jar

The minutes of meeting 1442 were accepted as 'announced by BASFA's eye in
the sky'

the Treasurer was missing

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report

The Sports Committee reported that there are still tickets available for
the May 18 Giants vs Rockies game BASFA outing - see Dave G.  Then Ken
reported that there are still tickets available for the BASFA outing to the
Harry Potter night San Jose Giants game, Friday, June 15 = $52 per person
for the Martinelli’s VIP deck.  Email ba...@p4tt.com if you are interested.

[evil] Kevin announced that the announcement of the Worldcon 76 Hugo final
ballot last Saturday was successful & has been reported on by Sal Pizarro
of the Mercury News; the article can be found here:

John O announced that he gets his knee replaced in 5 weeks & announced that
SF Comic con will be in Oakland June 8,9,10 & have the 11th Doctor present
on Saturday & announced that their cat had passed away

Diane announced that there had been events and that there will be events &
that she has Worldcon 76 flyers to distribute for all the events

Lisa announced that Harold is home & improving & she needs a sitter for him
for the Passover seder

Ric announced that there is a movie coming out in May based on the short
film 'Cargo' from 2013 [see =
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_(2013_film)] & announced that episode
506 of the Fanboy Planet podcast is about the Hugo ballot

Doug reviewed the Santa Clara Citizen's Police Academy as it's 12 weeks
long, held once a week & he highly recommends signing up for it

'Ready Player One' was enthusiastically reviewed by many - all of them
positively, that there were a lot of Easter eggs in the movie - but no
cookie at the end & recommended

John O reviewed 'Seven Stars Bar & Grill' as decorated in a Star Wars
style, with really good pub grub & friendly employees & various others also
recommended it

Ric reviewed the live 'Jesus Christ Superstar' as they did the musical
justice & that Alice Cooper did a great Herod & Ric enjoyed it a lot

Diane reviewed Babcon as a wonderful event & she had lots of fun there &
Fred also had a good time at the con

Howeird reviewed pet adoptions at Pet Smart as he found a lovely Bengal
kitty that amazingly matched his decor & was definitely worth full price &
reviewed becoming bionic - he has a pacemaker & it was -not- a simple
procedure & he must now avoid strong magnets near his chest

Kshandra reviewed Circ de Solei - Crystal - as delightful

we had auctions

we adjourned at 9:14

Rumor of the week was that 'As God is my witness, I thought BASFAns could

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