You didn't mention that Juliet McKenna is Guest of Honour at Novacon 46
in (checks watch) just a couple of weeks from now.
On 10/31/16 3:11 PM, Cheryl Morgan via Basfa wrote:
Hello BASFA, long time no see.
I'm dropping you a note from the far side of the Atlantic because I've
been busy being a publisher recently. Wizard's Tower has a new book
out by Juliet E McKenna. Details here:
You can get it through the usual online channels, but thanks to the
magic of PoD I can also get copies printed in the USA and shipped to
[Tall] Kevin. The normal retail price is $14.95, but we can offer it
to BASFA members at $12 if anyone is interested.
Actually it might be less than that. I won't place the order until
Kevin and I get back from Eurocon in Barcelona, and by that time the
Pound may be worth less than a Mexican Peso.
Let us know if you are interested in getting a copy.
Oh, and while I'm here we also have this Kickstarter thing running.
Click through and watch the video to see me embarrass myself thoroughly.
Best wishes,
Tom Becker Potlatch n. A science fiction convention
<> where readers and writers meet on common
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