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 From: Meetup Messages <messa...@meetup.com>
 To: ajfos...@pacbell.net 
 Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2016 10:52 PM
 Subject: New messages in ✩ Rina Weisman (Bay Area Science Fiction Association)
 Meetup ~~~ Respond by replying directly to this email ~~~       ✩ Rina Weisman 
(Bay Area Science Fiction Association)   Bay Area Science Fiction Association   
Rina Weisman hey folks - Rudy Rucker and Michael Blumlein will be our guests at 
SF in SF this Sunday - June 12, doors open at 5:30, event begins at 6:30, at 
the American Bookbinders Museum at 355 Clementina, SF, off of 5th Street, 
between Howard and Folsom. More info at www.sfinsf.org  June 9, 2016 10:49 PM   
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conversation click here  To report this message or block the sender, please 
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