I clarify that we're merely in an exploratory phase, and that our inquiries 
have nothing to do with political correctness, rabid puppies, or identity 
politics.  If anything, we're mindful about avoiding those pitfalls. We're 
concerned about what actions or statements, if any, need to be made about 
ensuring, as much as we can, the safety of our members, regardless of sex or 
race, without becoming exclusionary.
-- Chuck 
    On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 5:15 PM, John David Galt via Basfa 
<basfa@lists.basfa.org> wrote:

 On 05/24/2016 03:59 PM, Chuck Serface via Basfa wrote:
> Hello All:
> Many of you know or might have heard that during our last BASFA meeting
> we held a committee of the whole and formed a Code of Conduct Committee
> to explore whether or not BASFA needs a formal code of conduct in
> relation to member safety, sexual harassment, and any harassment in
> general.  This is an extremely complex and sensitive issue, so as the
> chair I've formed a committee of women and men I feel will bring a
> variety of expertise and outlooks to the discussion.  I also want to
> hear from you, the individual members of BASFA.  What are your concerns,
> opinions, ideas, what should go into this code of conduct if we have
> one, and how should we employ it?  Please send your input directly to me
> at *ceserf...@yahoo.com*.  I'll sort through all your messages and make
> sure that  you're heard when the committee meets.

"Code of Conduct" these days simply means banning anyone who dares to
say things that aren't politically correct.  To even consider adopting
one is un-fannish and harks back to the exclusionist practices that
should have been buried forever after the lesson of the first Worldcon.

(The anti-Puppy movement in Worldcon fandom is the same thing applied to
the Hugo awards, and it's equally shameful that it would happen in fandom.)

Identity politics is racism and sexism.  Inclusiveness equals expecting
all rules to be color- and gender-blind and stay that way.  No group is
entitled to "affirmative action".  SJWs are professional victims and
deserve no special treatment.

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