BASFA Meeting 1332 - at the Black Bear Diner
February 8, 2016

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
Began 8 pm - with many small noisy creatures in the room

28 people attended

We established a party jar
Then a motion failed

The minutes of meeting 1331 were accepted as 'still commuting from
Superbowl city'

The Treasurer reported that last week we took in $10.00 in the regular jar
& $1.00 in the party jar & he gave the Party Committee money

The Vice President had nothing fannish to report

The President had nothing fannish to report, and then we said hi to several
folks visiting us for the first time - Melanie, who is a long-time fan;
Nathan who is a longtime reader of sf & Brandon who found us because of the
Meet-up site

The Site Selection committee is looking for new meeting sites.  Omega got
very mixed reviews.
   Feb 8 at Black Bear Diner = 174 W. Calaveras Blvd,  Milpitas, CA 94035;
   Feb 15 back at the Round Table, 1220 Oakmead Parkway;
   Feb 22 at Lyons, 4233 Moorpark Ave, San Jose, CA  95129;
   Feb 29 at the Round Table again, 1220 Oakmead Parkway
   March 7 at the Old Spagetti Factory
   March 14 at the Round Table again, 1220 Oakmead Parkway

The Party Committee reported that the next BASFA party will be at Babscon
[Apr 22-24], at the Hyatt Regency SFO in Burlingame on Apr 23

The Hugo Recommendation Committee reported that they will be doing retro
Hugo nominations after the regular meeting tonight

The Sports Committee reported that he still has tickets for the 1st Friday
in May Giants game [May 6], vs the Colorado Rockies in section 317 at a
price of $28 - PLUS that Ken is working on getting tickets for the SJ
Giants Star Wars night on Saturday, 5pm, May 14, saying that we can have
the Martinelli Plaza for $49 each, if 15 buy in .. and this includes food,
2 alcoholic beverages & programs

John announced that the next free admission day for the SF Exploratorium is
on March 14

Bob announced that he is moving to his first place of his own in 20 years
and will be in Hayward & thus closer to us

John O announced that Consonance will be March 4-6 at the Crown Plaza [880
& the 237], $60 for the weekend if preregistering - check for details at

Chuck announced that Nerdvana Podcast is still doing its fundraiser on Indy
Gogo with a goal of $2500, so give the site a look

Dave C announced that Brian Kesinger has a site and to go look at it = and search for 'Calvin' & he announced that Gallifrey One is
at the LA Marriott this weekend

Fred announced that FogCon is March 11-13 in Walnut Creek & announced that
Potlatch is March 19 at the SJ public library & is free - and there is a
writer's workshop there too

I reviewed the trout served at the diner as the best trout I have
encountered in years & worth buying at least twice

Ric reviewed the TV 'Shannara' adaptation as 'really it's been kind of
decent' with good fx and he mildly recommends it

Alex reviewed 'Hail Caesar' as very good, solid and recommended

Gerry reviewed the Space X assembly facility as free, worth full price and
very interesting, Gayle followed and agreed

Bob reviewed the free SF 'Superbowl city' experience as not worth full
price because there was not much to see but lines and temporary buildings,
he had a bear-battered sausage ['sausage tempura?' Melanie suggested] & Bob
really didn't enjoy himself, even if the beer was flowing 'if you consider
that Lite is beer'

Carole reviewed the 'East Meets West' exhibit at the Asian Arts Museum as
very good

Ken reviewed getting out of the Bay Area this last weekend was worth full

Dave C reviewed 'Realityland' by David Koenig as true-life adventures in
building Disneyland as interesting

we did auctions

we adjourned at 8:55 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'BASFA recomends the Sha-na-na Chronicles'

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