'Ello BASFA-ians,
At the last meeting on Monday Sept. 30, 2013 I may have left my Blue Journal.
It seems to be misplaced. I called the Coco's, but it was not in their lost
and found. Did anyone by any chance pick it up or remember seeing it? Thanks
for any response. BTW, I have not seen a BASFA Digest for that meeting yet.
Shalom to all,
Yochanan Urias
From: "basfa-requ...@lists.basfa.org" <basfa-requ...@lists.basfa.org>
To: basfa@lists.basfa.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 10:09 AM
Subject: Basfa Digest, Vol 78, Issue 7
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Today's Topics:
1. Sept 23 BASFA minutes (melchar)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:37:51 -0700
From: melchar <melc...@gmail.com>
To: chris garcia <gar...@computerhistory.org>, BASFA list
Subject: [Basfa] Sept 23 BASFA minutes
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Meeting 1208
September 23, 2013
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),
Began at 7:59 pm - with the question - 'what did the fox say?'
26 people attended
A Nippon 2007 jar was established
The minutes of meeting 1207 were accepted as 'next week'
the Treasurer reported that last week we took money
the Vice President reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out - and soon
there will be another 'Drink Tank' out - and the 'Drink Tank' after that
will be a tribute issue for Delphine Woods & a new 'Exhibition Hall' is out
The President had nothing fannish to report
Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be at the IHOP on
Steven's Creek near Lawrence on Friday Sept 27 at 7:30
JC announced that Nerdvana Podcast will post part 2 of their young adult
podcast this Wednesday - and announced that his mother retired at the age
of 71
Doug announced that he had a stroke - but is here - and that it left him
with aphasia [so he has had a 'buffering' sign made] - & he also has a new
business = 'Gridlore Studios'
John O announced that he finished his photo sets from Worldcon/LonestarCon;
[tall] Kevin followed, saying that the livestream from the Hugos is now up
Diane announced that Anton Schwartz will have his jazz quartet playing at
Studio Pink House on Friday, Sept 27 at 8pm at 14577 Big Basin Way in
Bradley announced that he has the complete showcase now
Andy announced that shinies will be on display at the Pacific International
Quilt Festival at the Santa Clara convention center, Oct 17-20
Chris O announced that Les Mis will be at Stage One in Newark, CA for the
next 3 weekends, check www.stage1theatre.org
[fuzzy] Chris announced that Lynda says 'hi'
[fuzzy] Chris reviewed 'The Family' as really, really good & reviewed a TV
show = 'The Neighbors' as funny & reviewed 'The Borgias' as sweet and
messed up
JC reviewed Diane's hands as 'hands of magic' and recommended her
Andy reviewed 3 days of no internet and a gay cowboy rodeo as an absolute
blast, lots of fun and worth full price - plus sponsoring belt buckles &
[evil] Kevin reviewed the mud as interesting & their social experiment
worked well
I reviewed 'Riddick' as a fun movie, worth full price, possibly twice and
less misogynistic than I expected; Trey commented that he was disappointed
by it because Riddick regenerated too quickly
Dierdre reviewed the Milford writer's workshop [held in Wales] - saying it
was held on an organic farm ... with sheep - and was just awesome fun and
worth triple the price
[another] Barbara reviewed Robin Hobbs books as Hobbs is now her favorite
author - especially the Liveship Trilogy - it's all very worthwhile reading
JC reviewed iOS 7 as overall a slightly new look and recommends turning off
Dave C reviewed the TV show 'Sleepy Hollow' as one desperate lurch after
then we did auctions
we adjourned at 9:23 pm
and the rumor of the week was: '2 buck ain't that cheap'
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