> Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be at the IHOP on 
> Steven's Creek near Lawrence on Friday Aug 27

I suspect that was supposed to be Fri, Sep 27th.

Michael Wallis
michaelwal...@me.com          H: 408 735-0403          C: 408 396-9037

On Sep 13, 2013, at 2:39 PM, melchar <melc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Meeting 1206
> September 9, 2013
> Trey Haddad, President
> Chris Garcia, Vice President
> Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
> Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
> Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
> held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
> Began at 8 pm - with pie
> 29 people attended
> A party jar was established
> The minutes of meeting 1205 were accepted as 'rejected' & the minutes of 
> meeting 1205.2 were accepted as 'wait ... wait ... wait'
> the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $1.50 in the regular jar & 
> $2.00 in the party jar
> the Vice President reported that a new episode of '5 Cons' has been posted & 
> another episode will be up 'soon' - plus that there is no new 'Drink Tank' 
> out yet
> The President had nothing fannish to report - but did say 'hi' to Steve 
> DeWinter who 'found us randomly on the internet'
> Announcements:
> Ken announced that the Legion of Rasselon meeting will be at the IHOP on 
> Steven's Creek near Lawrence on Friday Aug 27
> [evil] Kevin announced that Best Buck in the Bay will be Sept 21-22, with 
> rodeo school on Sept 20 - check http://www.bayarearodeo.org/
> JC announced that Nerdvana Podcast will post part 1 of their worldcon episode 
> this Wednesday
> Ric announced that fanboy planet podcast, episode 324 is available now & 
> announced that there's a Kickstarter for Unwoman that ends in 15 hours 
> Dave G announced that Vinticon is still taking memberships
> and people died this week
> Reviews:
> Lonestar was reviewed a lot and sounded like fun
> Ric reviewed 'The Sandman' by Gaiman as excellent, beautiful and worth buying 
> it
> Adrienne reviewed staying in San Antonio extra time with Mo as wonderful, 
> even if she didn't see any ghosts; Bill followed, advising to stay out of the 
> heat of the day & that he enjoyed the riverwalk
> Mo reviewed the heat in Texas as horrible & that perch were dying in the 
> river - but she really loved the Alamo
> Bill reviewed 'The Wolverine' as having a very twisty plot & worth between 
> matinee & full price - stay for the cookie
> Yochanan reviewed 'The World's End' as he liked it; reviewed 'City of Bones' 
> as very pretty & reviewed the Asian Art Museum as 'go see it'
> Brad reviewed Spinrad as he just finished reading some of his books and that 
> they haven't dated, then reviewed visiting the Johnson presidential library 
> as worth it - but prepare ahead of time by calling them and letting them know 
> what you want to look at
> Dave C reviewed a trilogy of Ringo's books, starting with 'Ghost' as not very 
> impressive
> Josh reviewed Baxter & Pratchett's 'The Long Earth' as excellent except 'for 
> the last half of the last page' & reviewed the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay 
> as he is now forever spoiled for any other hotel as it was amazing
> Ken reviewed a Campbell restaurant in Campbell that is now 'Sorelle' as an 
> Italian bistro that's worth full price
> Spike reviewed San Antonio as the food they visited was very good & that the 
> 3-hour-each-way Robert E Howard bus tour was heroically worth it
> Diane reviewed 'the end of summer party' as superb and worth double full 
> price 
> then we did auctions
> we adjourned at 10 pm
> and the rumor of the week was:  'wait ... wait ... wait'
> -- 
> *******************
> She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?'
> melc...@gmail.com
> *******************
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