In announcements, I mentioned that the D23: Disney Expo last week included a 3 hour concert by Richard M. Sherman and Alan Menken two celebrated songwriters and composers, known for their Disney compositions. Edited down to a little over an hour, you can see the video here: and the extended podcast coverage for D23 2013 here:
Similarly my 20 second review was for the Disney Animated application for iPad costs $14 but is the most amazing application I have purchased for the iPad. Essentially it's a generous introduction to classic and modern animation, valuable both to those who want to appreciate it, and for those who might seek out a career in the field. Ric Bretschneider Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:28:32 -0700 From: To: Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for August 19 BASFA Meeting 1203 19 August 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale President and Secretary were absent and some of us are concerned Vice President presiding Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker Began around 8:00 p.m., as my dinner arrived 31 people attended A party jar was established The minutes for meeting 1201 were accepted as missing from my notes Correction from meeting 1202 notes: Jo Rhett's book on network automation can be found at The minutes were then accepted as "That was the week that was." The treasurer said that at meeting 1201, we collected $6.50 in the regular jar and $24.78 in the party. At 1202, we took in $4.xx in the regular and $6.xx in the party. The VP reported there's a new Drink Tank out as well as a new edition of his Leaf & Let Die podcast. There was no president's report The VP said we had a couple special guests that evening. Both of this year's TAFF and DUFF delegates, Jim Mowatt and Bill Wright, were visiting us. Bill also passed out hardcopies of his fanzine, The Wright Stuff, which details his progress across the U.S. I announced that Loncon 3 is planning to present the 1939 Retro Hugos last year and suggested that the Hugo Recommendations committee add those to our lists next year. It was agreed and quickly dismissed without any debate. Announcements: JC celebrated the first anniversary of Nerdvana. Mike M. said Pacificon, the gaming convention, is looking for volunteers. Valerie announced that she has two new books out. Randy said he's taking Bill sightseeing this Wednesday and invited everyone to join them for lunch at di Vinci's In the East Bay. Kevin R. said that he and Andy will be at next week's meeting, the last before LoneStarCon 3, and they would be happy to hand carry any site selection votes for 2015 for people who are unable to make it. (There is no electronic voting for this three-way race.) He also said he finished sewing his costume for the LSC3 masquerade. Ric without a k said he has a special D23 edition of Fanboy Planet posted. I mentioned that all of the old Century dome theatres are under threat of demolition and would be a damn shame to lose 21 & 22, since they're not only the largest regular movie screens in the South Bay, but they have the best acoustics. For those interested in the petition, please go to: Ken said the Retrodome in exile will be doing sing-a-long showings of Grease at a couple of theatres over the weekend. He added that Oakridge theatre and a couple of others in the Bay Area will be doing marathon showings of the Cornetto Trilogy—Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End—this weekend. He also reminded us that Legion of Rassilon will be meeting this Friday, August 23. Glenn said there's convention coming up: LSC3 in San Antonio, Texas. Night of the 30-Second Flash Reviews: Chris O. enjoyed both Much Ado about Nothing and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Dave C. said In a World is a movie that's worth full price. JC said his daughter started junior high school at the same one he did and was feeling nostalgic. Ken said he broke his toe, but the treatment he received from Kaiser was reasonably priced. Mo said that Pacific Rim was fun with big monsters and worth full price. I agreed with most of Mo's review of Pacific Rim, but thought it was worth matinee. I also added that the series finale of the UK version of Being Human was excellent and unexpected. Ric said something about an iPad animation app. Tom said LSC3 has a program and is happy to have his wife back. Bill W. said BASFA has chaotic meetings with good intentions. Leigh Ann said something about Heroes of Cosplay. Jim M. said if you visit the Bay Area, get barbecue ribs from Glenn Glazer. Dave G.'s time was quickly used up with idle chit-chat. Fred said an article in The Wright Stuff is very well done and encouraged everyone to read it. Chris G. said Gravity Falls is brilliant. Leo said that the Rifftrax presentation of the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 look at Starship Troopers was excellent. We did auctions. Rumor of the Week: "It's not the meeting, it's the motion." We adjourned 9:25 p.m. _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list
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