In effort to downsize household goods and raise money for a new digital SLR 
before I go on trip to Forks Washington, I am selling a bunch of stuff. I want 
to give BASFA members first chance at some Star Trek items. Due to size limits, 
pictures can't be attached but are available for most items. You can contact me 
off list at parawbl@gmail for details on any item. 

Enterprise Model, asking $100

Star Trek movie poster in silver set of 16, asking $1200

Hallmark Christmas ornaments:
1996 Freedom 7 asking $25
1995 Romulan Warbird asking $25
1996 USS Voyager asking $25

1996 Mr Spock asking $15
1996 Millennium Falcon asking $25
1995 Capt Picard asking $15
1996 Star Trek 30 Years, Enterprise and Shuttle asking $50

1996 Winnie the Pooh Slippery Day asking $25

Coca Cola polar bear cubs salt pepper shaker set asking $10

Three versions of Enterprise 25 year poster framed, asking $50
Babylon 5 poster with some autographs not framed, asking $25

My apology if this is not the proper place to make this announcement.

Pam Rice
Basfa mailing list

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