Hey, I was the one who said Now You See Me was worth it for the air
From: melchar <melc...@gmail.com>
To: BASFA list <ba...@basfa.org>; chris garcia <gar...@computerhistory.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:01 PM
Subject: [Basfa] July 15 BASFA minutes
Meeting 1198
July 15, 2013
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 pm - with background podcasting
33 people attended
A party jar was established
The minutes of meeting 1197 were accepted as 'bork, bork, bork' ['lots to 2']
Treasurer reported that last week there was no regular jar & that
the party jar took in $2.25 and that at meeting 1196 we took in $25.00
in the regular jar & $5.00 in the party jar
the Vice
President reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out, right there and
on paper & also a new 'Klaus at Gunpoint' - & that 'Leaf and
Let Die' was recorded in the room earlier & the next episode of '5
Cons will be out 'soon'
The President said 'hi' to folks visiting
us for the first time - Shael - aka 'Lycanthrophile' - a longtime[ish]
fan, who was the knit Klingon at Westercon & also to Erin aka
'Eirewolf' who does leather masks & Trey also mentioned he won't be
at the club next week.
Ken announced that his birthday, July 27 [Saturday] will bebusy for him - the
nomadic Retrodome 'Princess Bride'
at Camera 12, 3pm - and later a Psychotronic Film Festival, 7pm at
Foothill college, room 5015 - then a Dennie's dinner afterwards
Mo announced that she is very tired & she is going to have to move this weekend
and could use boxes
announced that there'll be a Bay Area Ghost Hunters meet-up this Sunday
- seeing 'The Conjuring' at the Great Mall, 2:45 showing
JC announced that Nerdvana Podcasts 51 & 52 come out Wednesday & they now have
'2-buck Chuck' as a co-host
Steven announced that Convolution 2013 will be Nov 1-3 at the Hyatt SFO in
Burlingame & they have a Kickstarter for it =
announced that Musecon will be the 1st weekend in August in a subburb
of Chicago & that Seanan MacGuire will be GoH & also announced
that she [Carole] will be doing panels at Worldcon
Spring announced that she is on facebook - and please 'like' her 'Springtime
Diana announced that Lynn Gold & Warren say 'hi' & that she just finished moving
Roy announced that he has 125 pounds of chocolate he'd like to use in
fan-related ways - see him
Howeird announced that South Bay Theatre is rehearsing for 'Les Miserables'
C reviewed 'Shaknado' as 'everything you expected and less', [evil]
Kevin commented it will be re-shown Thursday - and many comments about
jumping the sharks followed; then Dave reviewed 'Pacific Rim' as fun
with giant robots fighting giant monsters - the consensus being it it
was fun & worth paying extra for the 3D - STAY for the Easter egg;
then Dave reviewed Robinson's '2312' as he didn't like it enough to
finish it
Brad reviewed 'World War Z' as neither good nor bad, worth matinee
Dave G reviewed Readercon as quite interesting
Rick Moen reviewed Au Contraire in New Zealand as lots of fun
Carole reviewed 'Garrison Keillor' as very much Prairie Home Companion &
catered to an older crown and worth full price
reviewed California Extreme Video & Pinball as it equalled his
dreams, worth awesomeness, even if it gave him a headache, JC agreed
& then he reviewed a mini-film-festival as fun
Valerie reviewed 'Much Ado About Nothing' as it was nice and Whedon-y - worth
reviewed 'Now you See Me' as glitzy and she 'guessed I had fun while I
watched it' - as so-so; Chris reviewed it as 'the air conditioning was
nice' & worth full price
Lisa reviewed Westercon as the most
fun she's had in a long time & she liked the panels, Carole had a
good time, Bill was entertained & the Con Suite was fantasic
I reviewed 'The Lone Ranger' as I enjoyed it and thought it was worth full
price just for Silver
[evil] Kevin reviewed playing a game of 'Wizard Sticks' as he had fun and won't
need to do it ever again
then we did auctions
we adjourned at 9:56 pm
and the rumor of the week was: 'My cod, it's full of sharks'
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