The following are minutes for the BASFA meeting head 2013-07-08 at
Coco's in Sunnyvale.  These minutes are neither totally accurate nor
totally complete.  Anyone who complains can take minutes the next time.

The meeting started at about 8:00PM with Chris Garcia presiding.
Approximately 21 people attended.
Other officers not present.
Party jar established.
Several minutes were spent discussing minutes and by some strange
process the taking of minutes fell to me.
A standing ovation given to Andy and Kevin.
Chris announced a new Drink Tank was in paper form and soon to be online.
No committee reports.
No new business.

Announcements as follows
Andy announced the convention is over.
Various people discussed how long they had been in fandom with some of
the starting at a Westercon.
JohnO and ChrisO said it was their 19th anniversary
Mo discussed moving
JC said a new Nerdvana podcast would be going up on Wednesday
Chris said his next episode was rendering and would be up soon
And there were the first three episodes of leaf and let die

Reviews by many people about Westercon
KC Speakeasy Party was great and even had people from Kansas City
Dealers who knew what they were doing did better
Music was good
Awesome fanzine lounge (aka Champagne Lounge)
BarBot was great
Nicole and Kelly 25th anniversary
Good writers workshop
Comments about the blackout
Fireworks were good
Lots of fun
Great time at dead dog party
Music was incredible
Volunteers were dragged into minionhood
Phenomenauts were awesome
Parties were awesome
Great masquerade
Match game was great
Beth first con
Mac and cheese with lobster
Two Buck Chuck moderated panel
Panel on page 119 was good

Other Reviews
Costco the day before a major holiday was insanity
Lone Ranger movie loads of fun
Lone Ranger tie-in merchandise already at half price

Stuffed Items auctioned.
(All money went into party jar because regular jar was never
established.  At end of meeting party jar contained $2.25.)

Rumor: Best Blackout Ever

Adjourned at about 9:05

F. C. Moulton
Basfa mailing list

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