Very minor correction: In announcements I announced that we HAD recreated our first podcast, which had been for Superman Returns seven years ago, with a "right outside the theatre" recording of our both Spoiler Free and Spoiler Full Man of Steel episode which is currently available:
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 18:28:33 -0700 From: To:; Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for June 17 Meeting 1194 June 17, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale Began at 8:00 pm - loudly 39 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1193 were accepted as 'purloined bacon' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $12.50 in the regular jar & $14.76 in the party jar and that at meeting 1192 we took in $4.05 in the regular jar & $26.05 in the party jar the Vice President reported that there is no new 'Drink Tank' out - but a 'Claims Department' should be out soon & he gave credit to Dave G for being tall The President said 'hi' to David Speakman - visiting us for the 1st time - although he did do 'that BayCon review' & we said 'hi' to Barbara Pickering who has been to cons before, but not been here before Announcements: [evil] Kevin announced that Westercon 66 is at 590 members now & they'll have a mobile app for their schedule & Adrienne is leading a ghost walk - sign up ahead of time on the Bay Area Ghosthunters site [$19 beforehand, $20 on the day] & Jo says Jay Lake will be there [probably] & that one-day memberships will be $25 for Fri & Sun & $30 for Saturday JC announced that every Wednesday is Nerdvana Podcast day & they'll try a 24-hour podcast/vidcast at Westercon 66 Adrienne announced that 'Being Human' begins its 5th season July 13 on BBC America Ric announced that Fanboy Planet will try to recreate an event in honor of 'Man of Steel' and the first half will be spoiler free - then the next half will have spoilers - the next episode will be recorded at Cafe Stritch this Thursday evening and all are welcome and the food is great Jo announced that his puppy is not doing well Lisa announced that her birthday is June 27 and will be observed on June 29 at Raging Waters and they'll get a cabana & have an invitation for it on Facebook Reviews: Jo reviewed JayCon / Jay's birthday as bigger than last year's [50+] and really good - then he reviewed 'Man of Steel' as not the worst Superman movie he's ever seen because Superman was not in it - the movie was then exhaustively reviewed with some liking it, others not; then Jo ALSO reviewed rereading CJ Cherryh books & also ALSO reviewed the latest Dragonlance books as bad Steven reviewed 'Children of Kings' by Deborah J Ross as a non-Bradley Darkover book with solid relevance to the world & wrapped up way too fast Ric warned people away from DC's 'Superman Unchained' book by Scott Snyder & reviewed 'Ocean at the End of the Lane' by Gaiman as fun & he expects it to win a lot of awards Adrienne reviewed Zazzle again as the replacement order was also filled by chimps and she didn't get a 'lady's' Tshirt; then she reviewed getting the Balfour garden gnome from the A's game as it was worth getting up in the morning for & Mo pointed out that they got equally fried by the sun on both sides during the game Bradford reviewed the other half of the book about Superman by Larry Tye as worth reading JC reviewed 'North America' on the Discovery Channel as absolutely gorgeous [evil] Kevin reviewed the SciFi channel as 2 new shows are better than 'Flash Gordon' - one about Sinbad that is okay & the other, "Primeval New World' as a reboot of the British show Andy reviewed a British cop show 'Luthor' on BBC America as dark & nasty & very good & then reviewed a Danish/Swedish show as it's going to get an American remake Mo reviewed 'Defiance' as 'the bells, the bells' and as cheesy, awkward fun then we did auctions we adjourned at 9:51 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Bacon always wins' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' ******************* _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list
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