Meeting 1193 June 10, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 pm - with gecko Garcia junior 31 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1192 were accepted as 'Lynda says wow' the Treasurer was missing Then [tall] Kevin moved that Chris be known as 'Bob Garcia' for the remainder of the meeting & it failed, 17-8 Then it was moved that Andy Porter be referred to as 'Bob' for the remainder of the meeting and it passed the Vice President reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' out - with a Chuck article The President said 'hi' to Macy - Mo's daughter - visiting us for the 1st time & hungover ['this is why the communists hate democracy' = Ric] Announcements: Chris announced that he wants content for 2 issues of 'Drink Tank' - the Hugo for best novel issue, deadline June 27 & for an issue about Iain Banks with a deadline of July 1st Ric announced that he & Debbie are celebrating their 29th year anniversary JC announced that Nerdvana Podcast taped their podcast at SLG & the 1st part of it should show up on Wednesday Dave C announced that 'My Mother the Car' is now available on Hulu; Mo announced that she will never make Macy watch it, then Dave announced that Dita von Teese will perform June 26-29 at the Filmore Adrienne announced that Westercon's Writer's Workshop has been finalized & she has 2 tickets for the Giants/Padres, June 17 game to give away Mike announced that an exhibit, 'Art in Science Fiction' is in Burlingame's New Peninsula Museum of Art, running through Aug 28 and it's very, very good [free admission] [evil] Kevin announced that the Art show for Westercon 66 is sold out & they are at 564 members now - 'please tell your friends about the convention and post about it on social media' & also announced that PR 4 is about to come out Carole announced that she needs a cat sitter for Westercon weekend Andy announced a reminder to post about Westercon 66 on social media sites Reviews: Bradford reviewed a book about Superman by Larry Tye as very comprehensive Fred reviewed an exhibit, 'Art in Science Fiction' as very, very good Howeird reviewed reviewed the Dragon theatre in Redwood City, doing progressive play developments there - and saw 'The Killing Jar' as the name for the play was never explained in context & also saw 'Sexbot 2600' as it seemed to test game designs and was better the 3rd time around - but doubts it will be produced since it would need a lot of special fx & then reviewed 'Iron man 3' as stay and see the Easter egg at the end Dave C reviewed 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' by Saladin Ahmed as very enjoyable & better than 'Redshirts' [Tom agreed] & also reviewed 'Touched by an Alien' by Gini Koch as he realized he was not the target audience for it & reviewed 'Now you See Me' as he didn't really like any of the characters in it - they were rather shallow - and the use of CGI was not acceptable Bill reviewed the latest Star Trek movie as reasonable for a summer movie but not a very thoughtful -Star Trek- movie; Bob thought it was a great demo reel for someone who wanted to direct a Star War movie ['Squiggles!'], then Bill reviewed the Friday night Subzero festivity as he noted there were a lot of 'our kind' there, the food trucks were great & it's worth visiting once, Chris commented that he & Ric found a new kick-ass band there 'Seaons'; Mo said it was the biggest crowd this year and highly recommends it Chris reviewed playing video games with Ric & Debbie at the Brett cave as lots of fun & reviewed 'Warm Bodies' as an adorable romantic comedy zombie film Bob reviewed 'The Great Gatsby' as he kept hoping it would be over and wouldn't 'pay the price to borrow it from a friend who stole it' Adrienne reviewed 'The Internship' as not very funny, the story was okay & the cinematography was nice & she reviewed 'that freaking Zazzle thing of yours, Kevin' as the orders seemed to be getting filled by chimps and so far she hasn't gotten her 'lady's' Tshirt Harold reviewed Texas as the trains are nice, the cinnamon rolls were immense & the Lehman caves are beautiful - worth the $10 admission And then there was a moment of sheer bliss, brought to us by a bag of chicharones from the 4505 Meats company [] - and OMG are they GOOD!! [evil] Kevin reviewed the Sierra Stampede gay rodeo as small but wonderful, despite 113 degree weather I reviewed 'Artifice' by Alex Woolfson as really, really good & worth buying in the dead tree format [available from Amazon] JC reviewed a graphic novel, 'Model A' as really good - available at Amazon & SLG then we did auctions we adjourned at 9:39 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Bob' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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