Meeting 1192
June 3, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8:00 pm - with Chris wanting pancakes
24 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1191 were accepted as 'but do cons love me?'

the Treasurer reported that at last week's meeting we took in $13.00 in the
regular jar & $12.50 in the party jar - and that at meeting 1190 we took in
$27.12 in the regular jar & $4.54 in the party jar

the Vice President reported [after Ric asked if someone speaks pancake]
that there is a no new 'Drink Tank' out, that he may remember 1989 & that's
about it & he uses multiple fonts & that episode 2 of '5 Cons' is out on

The President had nothing fannish to report - however that spoilers in
reviews should be used sparingly & that we should all be respectful of our
fellow BASFAns

Andy announced that they'll be in Sacremento this weekend for the Sierra
Stampede gay rodeo & they'll sponsor some belt buckles & a cash purse for
best costume

[evil] Kevin announced that they have swag for Westercon 66 that is
available & Diane followed saying that there's a Father's day special on

JC announced that the Slave Labor podcasts are up for listening and that
this weekend they'll be taping there again

Dave C announced that Candy Martinez of 'Stuffe and Nonsense' had died &
announced that the April issue of his 'Cargo Cult' flier is out now

Ric announced that the latest issue of 'Fanboy Planet' has been recorded &
309 is up on the website & that 310

will have a 'Dr Who' theme and be recorded at Cafe Stritch on Tuesday [note
= yesterday] & that this First Friday will feature a Subzero festival

Mike announced that Jack Vance had died

Valerie announced that she has another book out 'The Many Faces of Katniss

Ken announced that Matt Smith is leaving Dr Who

Chris reviewed the latest episode of 'Hannibal' as possibly the best
episode ever made [and the review is made of people] - also reviewed 'The
Great Gatsby' as nice & reviewed the Rosicrusian museum as awesome

Dave C reviewed 'Elementary' as he's enjoyed it & Valerie thought it
'okay', then Dave also reviewed the UK magazine 'Clint' as the name can be
mis-viewed to humorous effect

Howeird reviewed the Dragon theatre as this and next week they have a
progressive play development there and it's interesting on how the play has
changed & reviewed another play, 'Almost Happy' as having '15 minutes
packed into a 90 minute show' - and very boring

JC reviewed Fanime as packed with people & ridiculously & he's glad the con
has grown

Diane reviewed a trilogy by Leslie Ann Moore as she devoured them - 'The
Griffin's Daughter', 'Griffin's Shadow' & 'Griffin's Destiny', check

Ken reviewed that he has had a number of Dr Who meetups that he has enjoyed

Adrienne reviewed the season end of 'Orphan Black' [on BBC America] as it
ended on a cliff-hanger & is ended until Spring of 2014 - that she enjoyed
it but does NOT enjoy the need to wait to get more

Ric reviewed the season 5 'Venture Brothers' premiere as it delivers -
highly recommended

then we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:38 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'This rumor is not a pun, it's just stupid'
... and remember, art tastes like kittens

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