Meeting 1190 May 20, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 pm - sans podcastry 29 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1189 were accepted as 'secretary's gone wild' the Treasurer reported that last week the regular jar took in $20.25 & the party jar took in $28.25 the Vice President reported that there are no new fanzines out - EXCEPT for a new 'Drink Tank' with a Mo ['the thrill'] Starkey cover & he'll be fan GoH this weekend at Conquest The President had nothing fannish to report the Party Committee reported that there will be a BASFA party at Baycon on Sunday Then Jo wondered if BASFA existed on wikipedia & then we wandered off into philosophy Announcements: JC announced that the latest Nerdvana podcast was recorded over the weekend - a 'Dr Who season 7 wrap up show' & should be up this Wednesday - check - then there was neepery about what season it really was & then he announced that they also posted a 'Star Trek' movie impulse review Adrienne announced that fans died and she'd like to know more details [evil] Kevin announced that there will be an Ordinary Room Party at Baycon Friday-ish & that Westercon is now selling kid-in-tow & youth memberships for Westercon 66 - details on the website - & he heard his chaps won an award in Denver & announced that Westercon 66 will have a brief planning meeting on Monday Ken announced that there will be no Legion of Rasselon meeting this Friday, due to cons - but there WILL be one next Friday & he announced that KFJC's [89.7] month of mayhem will have a 'very grey' mayhem episode next Monday from 2-6pm Valerie announced that she has a new book out [and another on the way] - 'Winning the Game of Thrones' - & it's free on Amazon this week & next week 'Winter is Coming' comes out and life is busy Beth announced that she is soliciting donations for an end of year [grade 7] cool things auction Ric announced that episode 307 of the FanboyPlanet podcast was recorded yesterday & is out now & that his review of 'Into Darkness' will be up tonight & he's looking for people who need presentation experience John O announced that Fanime, Baycon, Clockwork Alchemy & Kublacon are this next weekend - remember to bathe - and announced that Sunday night they'll have their Taiko group playing at Baycon & Howeird commented that taiko is not an astronomy presentation Chris announced that her cancer is not aggressive and not prone to spread [all hail lazy cancer!] Howeird announced that Ye Olde Towne Band will be giving free concerts from May through September on the last Sunday of every month at Shoup park, 1:30pm & announced that he bought a car yesterday that he then exchanged for a different car - a Toyota Corrola & the Toyota Sunnyvale guys were totally professional Lance has Westercon 66 booksmarks Mo announced that she's art director for Fanime & urged us to visit her Jo announced that he has a book out & a 2nd one approved - both tech manuals & announced that Andrew Offutt died Aatheus announced that the 'Iron Sky' folks are planning a part 2 & starting to crowd source for it Reviews: 'Star Trek into Darkness' was reviewed a lot, mostly positively; "Was the science creamy or lumpy?" - "What science?" Ric & Mo reviewed Big Wow - a comic festival - as lots of fun and enjoyable JC reviewed the latest Dr Who episode as inspired - and folks agreed The Nebula awards weekend was reviewed a lot as -very- good Andy reviewed the Eurovision songfest as really a lot of fun & worth stealing & getting together with friends with to heckle Adrienne reviewed Bjuold's 'Captain Vorpatril's Alliance' as she liked it more than 'Red Shirts' Aatheus reviewed 'Steins' as an exceptionally good bar with good food & an excellent chicken poutine, definitely worth full price & reviewed 'Hydrogen Sonata' [by Iain Banks] as an excellent read Jo reviewed Missouri as misery & they visited a wild animal park outside of Springfield as awesome & a good time; he doesn't really get Branson & said that drinking is the state sport John O reviewed Makers Faire as he spent all his time there with his taiko group & it appeared crowded Howeird reviewed "The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination' - short stories - as all good, some excellent and some world class - well worth full price Chris reviewed '' as really cute cat artwork [] Mo reviewed Adrienne's Taurus birthday party bash as worth full price & wonderful then we did auctions we adjourned at 10:10 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'lazy cancer is the best cancer' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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