Meeting 1189 May 13, 2013 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:03 pm because of Potlatch details 26 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1188 were accepted as 'the BASFA fraud-cast' the Treasurer reported that last week the regular jar took in $7.75 & the party jar took in $19.80 the Vice President reported that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' out, but that when it -does- come out it'll have a Mo ['the thrill'] Starkey cover & he has copies of the DUFF ballot The President had nothing fannish to report the Sports Committee reported that the Giants May 10th game outing went well Announcements: Ken announced that KFJC's month of mayhem is still going on Andy announced that that Lisa Hayes' father died so that she & [tall] Kevin will be unavailable for a while, & announced that Westercon 66 is coming up on the July 4th weekend & they'd appreciate us spreading the word about it [evil] Kevin announced that Unwoman will have a Friday, July 5th teatime concert in the atrium & announced that fans are sponsoring fan activities and helping other fans attend Westercon - and there is a Paypal link on their website for donations Mo announced that she's illustrating an on-line fairy/steampunk story & there's a link to it on her page - also = JC announced that the latest Nerdvana podcast, episode 12, part 2 will be up this Wednesday - check - and they'd also like help spreading the word about it & then announced a review about driving & announced that Nerdvana podcast would like to record a BASFA meeting next Monday Tom announced that SFSF will spread the word about events and the like - just contact them & he announced that Potlatch 23 will be at the Sainte Claire, SJ, $40 until May 31 - for Feb 21-23, 2014 Chris announced a text message & announced that Dr Joyce Brothers died & announced that Conquest is coming up in Missouri & he's fan GoH there it was moved that the Yankees suck - and it passed without objection Adrienne announced that she got her UK Dr Who stamps & she will bring some for donation to BASFA's auction next week Carole announced that Costume Con 31 in Denver is coming up this weekend and she'll be on panels there; [evil] Kevin announced that his -chaps- will be there, but that he & Andy can't attend; then Carole announced that Clockwork Alchemy is coming up over Memorial Day's weekend & that Kaja Foglio is a GoH Dave C announced that Big Wild Comic Fest is coming up this weekend at the SJ convention center & announced that Ray Harryhausen died Lisa announced that the Nebula awards ceremony is this weekend at the SJ Hilton Josh announced that a pinball convention is this weekend at the Dixon, CA fairgrounds Fred announced that Maker's Faire is this weekend at the San Mateo fairgrounds Geri announced that 'Star Trek' opens this weekend & announced that the Retrodome is holding a film series that will be shown at the Camera 7 & 12 then we did auctions Reviews: Dave C reviewed Scalzi's 'Redshirts' as a good read but with a 'meh' plot twist & reviewed a Spanish b/w film of Snow White with bullfights = 'Blancanieves' as worth full price & highly recommended Tom reviewed Corflu 30 as a really very VERY good con with moments of awesome & worth full price & reviewed 'Man or Astroman' as lacking props due to a van breakdown, but still excellent and totally awes Valerie reviewed NovaAlbion & Gaslight as 2 weekends & 2 cons, both with good costumes & Gaslight needed better air condition Ken reviewed the latest Dr Who episode as good I reviewed 'Iron Man 3' as I loved it; Trey merely liked it Bradford reviewed Robinson's 'Galileo's Dream' as a good novel, recommended - and then said to read '2312' next we adjourned at 9:36 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'Can we have flaming rock and roll theremin as a rumor?' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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