"Andy announced that there's a new Fanboy Planet up" ...which features Evil 
Kevin and Andy talking Westercon 66 and holding their own in all the comic, tv, 
and movie talk that followed:
Fanboy Planet Podcast #306 - Father of Cosplay or Monopole 
Dancerhttp://www.fanboyplanet.com/podcast/FPP-20130503.mp3The Fanboys are 
joined by Andy Trembley and Kevin Roche to discuss WesterCon 66, Cosplay, Free 
Comic Book Day, Jupiter's Legacy, Ten Grand, Superior Spider-Man, Guardians of 
the Galaxy, Li'l Gotham, Iron Man 3, Transformers 4, Avengers 2, Doctor Who 
50th Anniversary, David Gerrold's Star Wolf, and so much more! 
"Ric announced that there's be a"Apparently I nodded off during my 
announcement.  Here's what I meant to announce:The next Pecha Kucha San Jose 
event I'm working on is for the San Jose Museum of Art's Third Thursday night. 
Should be a great evening, we've got ten presenters with various views on the 
Design Vision for San Jose lined up. Details at: 
Ric Bretschneider 


Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 15:07:14 -0700
From: melc...@gmail.com
To: ba...@basfa.org; gar...@computerhistory.org
Subject: [Basfa] BASFA minutes for May 6

Meeting 1188
May 6, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale

Began at 8pm with echoes
31 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1187 were accepted as 'Chris made us eat a bug'
the Treasurer reported that last week the regular jar took in $16.00 & the 
party jar took in $3.55

the Vice President reported that Lynda says 'Hi BASFA' & there is a new 'Drink 
Tank' out, check efanzines.com & that episode 1 of the '5 cons' doco is up on 
Youtube, Vimeo & the 5 cons website

The President reported that the Nerdvana podcast people would like to record a 
BASFA meeting - [and his kidney stone had flanges]

Dave G suggested something and it was hijacked that [tall] Kevin be made 
BASFA's official 'ambassador to Amazon land' - and it passed

the Sports Committee reminded us about the Giants May 10th game; that their 
Star Wars day will be Sunday, Sept 8 & he & Spring will be in section 318; that 
the SJ Giants Star Wars day is Thursday, May 30 [box seat tickets $16]

[evil] Kevin announced Friday, July 5th there'll be a Phenomonauts concert at 

Andy announced that there's a new Fanboy Planet up

JC announced that the latest Nerdvana podcast was recorded successfully & part 
1 of it will be up this Wednesday - check www.nerdvanapodcast.com

Mo announced that she's running the art show at Fanime & after con she will 
need some help clearing out her studio

Adrienne announced that she wants gnomes - GNOMES she says! - mainly Giants 
baseball gnomes, but she's going to the A's game June 16th to get their gnome, 

Debbie announced that their son is graduating from college this Saturday

Dave G announced that that Nebula award festivities will be happening May 16-19

Ric announced that there's be a

John O announced that Maker's Faire is in 11 days, over the weekend of May 18th

Gerry announced that Contact will be next March, 21-22-23 & they can use help - 
check http://www.contact-conference.com/

Ken announced that KFJC's month of mayhem has begun 

'Iron Man 3' was reviewed multiple times and everyone loves it

Lisa reviewed the Sharks playoff game she went to as awesome & a fun game & 
worth the $100 a ticket

Adrienne reviewed Scalzi's 'Redshirts' as it started off brilliant & hilarious 
and then copped out, so she rates it a '3' on a 1-5 scale

Josh reviewed the reopening of SLG's Boutique-y as really good, absolutely 
recommended; 44 Race St, SJ

Gerry reviewed 'Deadfall' by Sarah Stegall as a lot of fun 

Dave C reviewed the 'Prisoner' music on KFJC as lovely

Diane reviewed 'A fantasy Medley 2' as delightful

then we did auctions

we adjourned at 9:52 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Baycon's going back to the Doubletree'


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