BASFA minutes for February 18, 2013
Meeting 1177
February 18, 2013
Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8:00 p.m.
President, Secretary and Treasurer MIA
Vice President presiding
Adrienne Foster, acting minute taker
13 people attended
We established a party jar.
We accepted the minutes for meeting 1176.
VP said stuff was happening.
No reports from President or Treasurer.
Sports committee said that the Sharks are sucking.
Fred mentioned Fogcon.
Josh said that nerdy burlesque show will be at the Burbank Theater in San Jose.
I said that there will be an official Doctor Who convention in the UK later 
this year.
        There is also going to be a little one-day Sci-Fi convention at the Bal 
Theater in San Leandro on September 21.
JC said Nerdvana will be having a live show during the Academy Awards ceremony 
and told people not to use their cell phones for anything buy GPS while driving.
Kevin S. and Lisa Hayes will be hosting the Hugo nomination announcements at Easter weekend this year.
Chuck read Marvel Comics: the Untold Story, by Sean Howe, and enjoyed it 
immensely. It's about the history of Marvel.
I reviewed Gallifrey One 2013 with Mo and Chris following on. We detailed our 
experiences and agreed we all had a great time and recommend it to everyone 
JC and Beth saw Top Gun in IMAX 3D. JC didn't think the 3D worked, but it was 
fun seeing the movie again.
        They also saw Warm Bodies and said it made a great Valentine's Day 
Diane read Shades of Milk and Honey and said it was a really fun book. It was a 
delightful little romp.
Brad went to the Antiquarian Book Festival and made some deals and saw some 
heavy duty historical items.
Kevin S. recommends keeping up with Twitter. Thanks to his monitoring of 
tweets, he managed to upgrade his tickets for the SAP to really close to the 
court. It was worth full price.
Rumor of the Week:
Buzz texting is drunk texting.
We adjourned 9:25 p.m.
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