Meeting 1175
February 5, 2013

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm –fighting entropy
26 people attended

A party jar was established [barely]

The minutes of meeting 1174 were accepted as 'Dinklespiel evil incorporated'

the Treasurer had not summed up accounts

The Vice President said that Bob Hole & Lynda both said 'hi BASFA' &
reported that the newest 'Drink Tank' is out and 'wild' now - and that
deadlines for both

'Exhibition Hall' & 'Journey Planet' are Feb 15 at noon

The President had nothing fannish to report

The Outing committee reported that they will be at Disneyland from Feb 10
thru 14th in association with going to Gallifrey 1

remember that Hugo nominations part 2 & 3 will be Feb 11 and Feb 18

Adrienne announced that the Giants Fanfest is this Saturday, Feb 9 & that
IHOP will give out free pancakes

Ken announced that KFJC transmitter is repaired

Lisa announced that Diane Osborne says 'hi BASFA'

Ric announced that Fanboy Planet #297 is now out

Dave C announced that Comcast's BBC America schedule has been corrected &
announced that 'Community' is back on the air

Josh announced that he's working for a client doing licensing & announced
that Nerdvana's podcasts will start having social media tie-ins

Beth announced that her daughter's group of 4th thru 8th grade students are
doing 'Fiddler on the Roof', Feb27-28 - 7pm, March 1 - at 5pm & 8pm - at

Clara HS

Tom announced that a new 'SFinSF' is up on & announced that
FogCon is March 8-10 at the Walnut Creed Marriott - check - &

that Potlatch 23 will be in the Bay Area in 2014 - check

Trey announced that the World Series trophy will be on display this
Saturday - out near the cove - at the Fanfest

Ric reviewed Comcast as frustrating, but that his Android cellphone with a
wifi hotspot ap saved their Superbowl viewing experience - and also
reviewed 'Dr

Who Celebrations' as cool & reviewed 'Dr Who Destinations' as far less
rich, in comparison

Chris reviewed 'The Navidad Incident' by Natsuki Ikezawa as pretty freaking
awesome & reviewed a couple short films as bizarre &/or awesome

Josh reviewed 'Hansel & Gretel' as once he got over the parts he hated, he
enjoyed himself - it was entertaining and silly

Tom reviewed 2 cons held at the same time, like an Ace double - Foolscap
and Potlatch 23 - as awesome & a lot of fun & the programme book was
innovative and

might be legible by next year

Fred reviewed a play, 'Ching Chong Chinaman' at City Lights as it got
progressively better as it went on - intense and eventually

Andy reviewed being sick as not worth the price & reviewed the run-up to
Eurovision as complete madness & worth stealing

Dave C reviewed 'Rule 34' by Charles Stross as a very peculiar but good
book, worth full hardback price

Carole reviewed Conflict as a fun filking con, worth full price & Bill
followed, also enjoyed it

Bill also reviewed 'Argo' as highly recommended and worth full price

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:43 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'Just say 'yes' on seeing Captain America

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