Meeting 1168
December 17, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm - with it beginning to look a lot like Giftmas
28 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1167 were accepted as 'sung by dwarves'

the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $3.75 in the regular jar &
$21.02 in the party jar -- and that at meeting 1166 we took in $6.00 in the
regular jar & $27.50 in the party jar

The Vice President reported there are 2 'Drink Tanks' out now & 1 is in the
'pipes' & should be on soon - and that the deadline for the
end of the year issue is Dec. 28 - send to &
Lynda says 'hi'

The President reminds us that he & the secretary won't be at BASFA's next 2

The AdHoc Outing Committee is having an outing to the 'Back to the Future'
trilogy on Dec 29 at the Retrodome & the January showings there will be fan
favorites - starting with 'Monty Python & the Holy Grail'

Ken announced that this Friday is the Legion of Rassilon meeting at
1st/Trimble in the Carl's Jr, 7:30pm

[evil] Kevin announced that SFinSF is doing a Dr. Who showing at the Hobart
Building, sponsored by BBC America - at which

the Tiki Dalek shall make an appearance - and also announced that Furcon
will be in about a month & he needs pilots for his flying saucers there -
see him

Dave C announced that he has mailed December's Cargo Cult catalogs & also
announced that he had a signed book insert - that bradford won

Mo announced that she has a Cafe Press shop now [that I could not find a
url to] = Mo Starkey's store - and Bob Hole greatly helped her set it up

Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghost Hunters is doing 2 meet-ups - the
1st = Friday, Dec. 28 - at the paramount Theatre in Oakland for a showing
of 'Wizard of Oz' and then a theatre tour - the 2nd = Saturday, Jan. 12 - a
night tour of Alcatraz - 65 are signed up out of 200 so farl check for more information

Chris announced that 'Journey Planet' needed a website - so he & James
Bacon made one =

Dave G announced that their Solstice Porty will be 7-ish on Dec 29 -

[tall] Kevin announced that he had free stuff an an auction item

Bradford announced that his paper was accepted by the Eton Conference

Lisa announced that Benedict Cumberband got a Golden Globe nomination

Fred reviewed an art exhibit at the SJ Museum of Art by Eric Fischl as
interesting and highly recommended = check

Dave C reviewed 'Hitchcock' as 'Ed was right' - it's good & worth full price

Andy reviewed 'Meshugah Nutcracker' as absolutely charming & worth full
price - and several people followed on, agreeing

Ric, Debbie, Harold, Dave G & Ken all reviewed 'The Hobbit' as very good,
worth full price - and there were various opinions about the 3D/48 frame
version - Mo thanked Ric about the motion sickness warning

Tom reviewed Ian Banks 'Hydrogen Sonata' as very good and worth buying in
hardback - reviewed 'Siren Depths' by Martha Wells as the 3rd of an
incredibly good series - awesome, with great characters

Mo reviewed the TV show 'Legend of the Seeker' as she enjoyed it very much,
it was gorgeous, kind of D&D fantasy & worth buying on DVD

Adrienne reviewed SMOFcon as interesting & that has useful information,
although the venue was too large for the con

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:5 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'well, the world didn't end this week, so
we'll put another $100 in the jackpot'

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