Meeting 1164 November 19, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8pm - gangnam style 25 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1163 were accepted as 'the Twilight saga - Breaking Dawn part 2 - electric bugaloo' the Treasurer reported that last week we took in $20.95 in the regular jar & $6.30 in the party jar The VP reported that there is finally a new 'Drink Tank' out & also a new 'Claims Department' - both on & that a new 'Journey Planet' will be out some day The President advised members to take their Prozac before the meeting and then said 'hi' to Erik Bigglestone - visiting us for the first time, although he was born into fandom [chorus: 'Poor fellow'] The AdHoc Outing Committee reported that the Retrodome is showing 'Wizard of Oz' this weekend & their outing will be on Sunday, 2pm for the quote-a-long Announcements: Ken announced that this Friday is a Legion of Rasselon meeting - 7:30 at the Carl's Jr at 1st & Trimble Adrienne announced that Dicken's Faire opens this Friday & she's doing group tickets for her meetup group & is willing to include us - contact her - & Erik mantioned he's working it, as Fagin - recommends everyone go there JC announced that his daughter's team, the Lady Earthquakes, finished off their tournaments - and only lost the very last game - but they are all winners to him Chris announced that Loscon is this week - and that many folks from BASFA will be there - some of them on panels [evil] Kevin also announced that LosCon is coming up & that they will have a Westercon table there & a room party on Friday night & that Thinbot will be pouring drinks there Dave C also announced that the SF Chron has an article about Star Trek conventions in today's paper - check Reviews: Chris reviewed breakfast as quite pleasant and the Spam hash as awesome and reviewed 'Skyfall' as beautifully written and well-acted and there was a dog & that the best Blueray he now owns is 'Company' Lisa reviewed 'Wreck It Ralph' as wonderful and worth seeing twice - worth full price & Trey followed, saying that he enjoyed it and thought it worth high matinee I reviewed 'Argo' as a very good adaptation of real-world events, well acted and to stay and see the end credits to hear the bit from Jimmy Carter - worth full price - Trey followed that it was not typical escapism and thought that it was well done Dave C reviewed 'Snuff' by Terry Pratchett as fun with Samuel Vimes & he greatly enjoyed it & thought it worth full price in whatever format you find it in & also reviewed a restraunt review in last week's NY Times as being full of questions Mo reviewed a delightful Sunday afternoon spent at Adrienne's father's place, watching things get printed as really something to see Ken reviewed the 'Game Show Show' again as it ended somewhat tearfully & was still great We did auctions we adjourned at 9:18 pm and the rumor of the week was: 'krypto poop' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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