Also, please note this discount doesn't start until Monday, November 19. Adrienne
--- On Sat, 11/17/12, Adrienne Foster <> wrote: From: Adrienne Foster <> Subject: [Basfa] Fw: LoneStarCon 3 Membership Special To: "BASFA" <> Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 10:51 AM This is from the SMOFS list and might be of interest to members who haven't gotten their memberships yet. Adrienne --- On Sat, 11/17/12, Bill Parker <> wrote: From: Bill Parker <> Subject: [smofs] LoneStarCon 3 Membership Special To: Cc: "LoneStarCon Chair list (Public)" <> Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 5:44 AM *LONESTARCON 3* The 71^st World Science Fiction P.O. Box Austin, Texas 78755 ______________________________________________________________________________________ __ __ *LoneStarCon 3 offers limited time membership special* *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* November 19, 2012 SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- LoneStarCon 3, the 71^st World Science Fiction Convention, has announced a special two-week membership sale running Nov. 19-Dec. 2. Attending memberships will be available for the reduced rate of $170 until midnight, Dec. 2. In addition to full access to the convention, attending memberships entitle the holder to make nominations for the Hugo Awards, receive pre-convention publications and advance information featured guests, exhibits and special events such as the LoneStarCon 3 International Film Festival. "The committee saw this as an opportunity to say 'Thank you' to the fan communities who've given LoneStarCon 3 so much encouragement and support," said Laura Domitz, convention co-chair. "Think of it as getting a jump on the end-of-year holiday spirit." Regular convention membership rates are scheduled to increase Dec. 31. LoneStarCon 3 will be held Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2013, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. The Mariott Rivercenter and Mariott Riverwalk will serve as the host hotels. This marks the first time since 1997 that the Alamo City has hosted a Worldcon, when LoneStarCon 2 drew thousands to the downtown convention center. The guests of honor list for LoneStarCon 3 includes Ellen Datlow, James Gunn, Norman Spinrad and Willie Siros, with Paul Cornell serving as toastmaster and featuring special guests Leslie Fish and Joe R. Lansdale. Artist guest of honor Darrell K. Sweet tragically passed away Dec. 5, 2011. *MEMBERSHIPS* Attending membership rates for LoneStarCon 3 are normally $180 for adults, $110 for young adult (17-21 years old), $75 for children (16 and under) and $480 for family memberships. The listed membership rates are good through December 31, 2012. The sale only lowers the rate for adult attending memberships ($170) and family memberships ($460). LoneStarCon 3 is also offering a military discount rate of $110, which is not subject to future increases. *ABOUT THE WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION* Founded in 1939, the World Science Fiction Convention is one of the largest international gatherings of authors, artists, editors, publishers and fans of science fiction and fantasy entertainment. The annual Hugo Awards, the leading award for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy, are voted on by Worldcon membership and presented during the convention. LoneStarCon 3 is sponsored by ALAMO, Inc., (Alamo Literary Arts Maintenance Organization), a 501(c)3 organization. For more information about LoneStarCon 3, memberships or hotel information, visit /"World Science Fiction Society," "WSFS," "World Science Fiction Convention," "Worldcon," "NASFiC," "Hugo Award," the Hugo Award Logo and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Trophy Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society./ -- Bill Parker :) LSC3 Co-Chair -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> _______________________________________________ Remember, it's smofcon.COM or, not smofcon.ORG smofs mailing list All posts to the SMOFs mailing list are copyright the individual senders. -----Inline Attachment Follows----- _______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list
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