Meeting 1160
October 22, 2012

Trey Haddad, President
Chris Garcia, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy),

Began at 8pm with the Giants in the 8th inning
20 people attended

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1159 were accepted as 'Billy Graham at the Barack
Obama theatre'

there was no Treasurer - but last week we took in $1.75 in the regular jar
& $7.64 in the party jar

The VP reported that there is a new 'Drink Tank' on his laptop - so it will
be out 'soonish' & he won't be here for the next 3 weeks because he'll be
attending 5 conventions

The President had nothing fannish to report - honest

The AdHoc Outing Committee reported the Retrodome is showing 'Star Trek,
First Contact' this weekend and that they'll do an outing for the 2pm
Sunday showing - & next weekend will be the Tim Burton 'Batman' & the Chris
Reeve 'Superman'

Ken announced that there's a Legion of Rasselon meeting this Friday at the
Carls Jr on 1st &

Trimble at 7:30pm & announced that Big Al's Record Barn is closing &
announced that the Retrodome is closing down in January & announced that he
has a birthday card for Chris

Aatheus announced that Rifftrax is doing 'Birdemic' this Thursday, Oct 25 -
for info check

Adrienne announced that the Giants have been making her nervous & announced
that there'll be a seance on Oct 28 at the Old Spegetti Factory for $30

Chris announced that Seattle has Steamcon coming up & he'll be on panels
there & announced that the Giants are now 9-0

JC announced that his daughter's team, the Lady Earthquakes are now 5-0-1

Dave C announced that he may need help getting boxes to Convolution - see

[evil] Kevin announced that he is assembling a new issue of 'Yipe' & would
like letters of comment - send them to

Lisa announced that Convolusion is coming up the 1st weekend in November -

JC reviewed 'Arrow' on WB as it's promising & has good writing - it's not
cheesy so far - there were comments made that it has good beefcake & good

[evil] Kevin reviewed the Ad Hoc 'Ghostbusters' outing as the movie is
still fun [even pre-CGI] & absolutely worth full price - it recharged his
fannish batteries - & JC said it was a lot of fun & the balloon release was
great fun

Mike reviewed 'Jester Leaps In' by Alan Gordon as it has a medieval setting
& he liked it & it's part of a longer series & he reviewed a Book Arts Jam
as it was full of handmade books & other art - a worthwhile thing to visit

Chris reviewed his birthday as awesome & entertaining & reviewed a movie -
'SERP' as very theatre & chatty - but badly filmed & worth not having to
pay to see it & reviewed the Giants as they are going to the World Series

Dave C reviewed a book, 'Feed' by Mira Grant as he's still reading it but
is enjoying it - [evil] Kevin rollowed with 'and if it wasn't for those
meddling kids' - then Dave reviewed '7 Psychopaths' as he wishes it
could've either been crazier or more coherant - worth matinee

We did auctions

we adjourned at 9:25 pm

and the rumor of the week was:  'When the zombies come, the Giants will be

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