Meeting 1158 October 8, 2012 Trey Haddad, President Chris Garcia, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp, Sergeant at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary held at Coco's, 1206 Oakmead Parkway (Lawrence Expressway/101 Fwy), Sunnyvale
Began at 8pm with me at odds with time 28 people attended A party jar was established The minutes of meeting 1157 were accepted as 'carnal asada' the Treasurer reported that at meeting 1157 we took in $9.08 in the regular jar and $13.00 in the party jar The VP reported that there is NO new 'Drink Tank' & his computer has a glitch & the deadline for the 'James Bond' issue of 'Journey Planet' is Nov 1 Dave C moved that Chris be forced to provide the recipe for 'carnal asada' at FoodCon 2013 & the president approved the motion since Chris agreed to it The President said 'hi' to new folk visiting us for the first time = Laura, Anneke and Eric The Sports Committee reported that despite everything we're still supporting the Giants and that the hockey outing appears to be stuck in committee The AdHoc Cinema Committee reported the Retrodome is showing 'Interview with the Vampire' this weekend and 'Ghostbusters' next weekend that they'll do an outing for that Friday Announcements: Dave G announced that there's some 2-week Windows sys admin work available - contact him for further info Howeird announced that today is Frank Herbert's birthday Aatheus announced that there's an 'Iron Sky' showing in Redwood City, Wed Oct 10 JC announced that his daughter's team, the Lady Earthquakes are now 4-0 & announced that the 3rd Nerdvana podcast has been recorded [check] & announced that his 2 year anniversary is this weekend & also announced that Milpitas will not be out-sourcing their police department Ed announced that his surgery is this Thursday at the VA in Palo Alto [there were lots of follow-ons] Adrienne announced that Bay Area Ghosthunters is meeting Oct 26 for a costume party with music & a seance will be on Oct 28 at the Old Spegetti Factory & on Oct 31 a medium and mentalist will be at the Town Hall Theatre in Lafeyette for $65 - check for details Diane announced that she is happy to be back here, instead of being in Southern California Josh announced that Nov 9th 2013 FoodCon will be at the St Claire Lisa announced that her eldest grandson is now 18 Reviews: Chris reviewed 'Thanks for Playing the Game Show Show' as awesome & amazing - he had a great time - worth full price, opening night - [evil] Kevin opined the script had been tightened up & that it's still fun; Ken says the show has improved a lot & worth seeing 2 nights in a row - then Chris reviewed a book = Ettiquette and Espionage' by Gail Carriger as excellent & fun & should have been a 400 page book, but was 300 pages - and highly recommended Josh reviewed doing a podcast with Chris as 'insane' ['and creepy too' added JC] - but entertaining Adrienne reviewed La Pinata restraunt as impressive & she reviewed the Giants loss the night before as it broke her heart Ed reviewed 'Hysteria' as borderland scifi & that everyone should see it & reviewed 'The Windup Girl' as a slog to read - chewy and good Dave C reviewed 'Do Not Ask What Good We Do' by Robert Draper - as reasonably even-handed - interesting - & worth full price, hardcover Dave G reviewed Spring's arthroscopic knee surgery as very quick and she's recovering rapidly Diane reviewed 'Dredd' as a wonderfully fun movie - worth full price & several follow-ons agreed with her We did auctions we adjourned at 9:27 pm and the rumor of the week [after Andy & [evil] Kevin threw money at Chris's dongle] was: 'For Unlawful Carne Knowledge' -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' *******************
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